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Male Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) also known as androgenic alopecia, is a common type of hair loss condition. It involves progressive loss of hair in a specific pattern.

Male Pattern Baldness is the primary cause of hair loss in men, influenced by genetics and hormones. Generally, it starts at the temples and crown of the head.

As per The National Library of Medicine (NLM), MPB affects approximately 50% of men by the age of 50. It starts as early as the late teens or early twenties, and the risk steadily increases with age.

Symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness

Common signs of hair loss males include:

  • Receding Hairline


    One of the early stages of male pattern baldness is that the individual sees the hairline receding. It initiates at the temples and forms an "M" shape.

  • Thinning at the Crown


    It refers to gradual hair loss at the top of the head and leads to a larger bald area over time.

  • Miniaturization of Hair Follicles


    A common sign of male pattern baldness, the hair follicles undergo a process known as miniaturization. This leads to the hair becoming finer and shorter with each growth cycle.

  • Increased Visibility of Scalp


    As the individual starts losing hair and the hair thinning increases, the scalp becomes more visible leading to baldness.

  • Progressive Hair Loss


    Male Pattern Baldness elevates gradually. The severity of hair loss can vary from person to person.

  • Horseshoe Pattern Of Hair


    In some cases, hair loss may leave a horseshoe-shaped pattern of hair around the sides and back of the head. This is one of the last stages of hair loss.

Male Pattern Baldness Signs and Stages

The Hamilton-Norwood scale serves as a widely recognized classification system for male pattern baldness. It shows androgenetic alopecia stages (crown baldness stages) ranging from 1 (minimal hair loss) to 7 (extensive hair loss)

  • Stage 1


    At first, there is no observable hair loss.

  • Stage 2


    Slight recession of the hairline at the temples and is one of the early stages of male pattern baldness.

  • Stage 3


    The receding hairline becomes more prominent, often forming an "M" or "U" shape. Hair loss may also initiate on the crown of the head.

  • Stage 4


    Progressive hair loss on the temples and crown, resulting in a broadening of the bald area on the crown.

  • Stage 5


    Bald areas on the temples and crown merge, creating a horseshoe-shaped pattern of remaining hair.

  • Stage 6


    The horseshoe pattern diminishes as the bald area continues to expand.

  • Stage 7


    Only a narrow band of hair persists around the sides and back of the head.

Understanding that not everyone with male pattern baldness progresses through all the stages is important. The signs of hair loss stages in males vary significantly from person to person.

If you're worried about hair loss, it's important to consult a hair doctor or dermatologist. They can diagnose the issue and discuss treatment options with you. Early intervention can slow down hair loss progression and help preserve your hair.

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) not only poses a physical challenge but significantly impacts individuals emotionally and socially. The Hamilton-Norwood scale helps to determine the hair fall stage of males. It highlights the importance of timely intervention.

Importance of Seeking Timely Treatment for male pattern hair loss symptoms:

Seeking timely hair loss treatment for Male Pattern Baldness is crucial. Early intervention and treatment for hair loss can slow down hair loss and even promote regrowth. This proactive approach not only addresses physical concerns but also boosts self-esteem and overall well-being.

Psychological support is also important. Therapists specializing in body image and hair loss can offer valuable assistance. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps individuals develop coping mechanisms for managing negative thoughts and emotions. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive care for both the physical and psychological aspects of Male Pattern Baldness.

Understanding that everyone experiences hair loss differently is important. Hair loss doesn't affect all individuals. For some, it significantly impacts their well-being.

Emotional and social impact on individuals due to sudden hair loss

  1. Reduced self-esteem and confidence: Hair loss can lead to loss of confidence and low self-esteem. Studies by the Indian Journal of Dermatology, venereology and Leprology have shown, “There's the link between male pattern baldness (MPB) and lower self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction, and social anxiety”.
  2. Depression and anxiety: The emotional burden of hair loss can result in depression, anxiety, and social isolation. Men with MPB are more likely to report symptoms of depression and anxiety compared to those without hair loss.
  3. Negative social perception: Many people link baldness with old age, unhealthiness, or dominance. It might lead to discrimination in social settings, the workplace, and dating life.

Seeking assistance from professionals is crucial. Exploring available treatments can help you experience stopped hair loss or reduction in it. This can lead to an improvement in their overall quality of life.

Male Pattern Baldness Diagnosis

Diagnosing Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) commonly involves a visual examination by a doctor. It focuses on identifying the pattern and progression of hair loss. Some doctors might perform additional tests.

To diagnose hair loss, a hair doctor typically discusses your medical and family history. They will also examine your scalp. A computerized video microscope is also used to get a magnified view of your hair and scalp.

However, if your doctor suspects an underlying medical cause for your hair loss, they might recommend further tests like:

  • Blood tests: to check hormone levels, thyroid function, or for nutritional deficiencies.
  • Scalp biopsy: to rule out other skin conditions affecting hair growth.
  • Hair pull test: to assess hair shedding and the strength of your hair follicles.

Avoid self-diagnosis. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan for MPB.

Homeopathy for Male Pattern Baldness

Homeopathic Male Pattern Baldness treatment stimulates hair growth by addressing the root causes of baldness. Whether it's a hormonal imbalance or an underlying medical condition, homeopathy targets these issues.

Homeopathic medicines treat male pattern baldness by strengthening hair follicles. They also regulate hormonal effects linked to hair loss. Homeopathic treatments have no side effects and are effective against male pattern baldness.

Thuja stimulates hair follicles, promoting new hair growth. Lycopodium Clavatum is effective for addressing rapid hair loss in male pattern baldness. Baryta Carbis is a homeopathic remedy when baldness is visible at the scalp crown (vertex). Silicea is useful for treating male pattern baldness in younger individuals. These homeopathic medicines are beneficial for managing male pattern baldness without side effects.

Benefits of Homeopathy for Male Pattern Baldness (MPB)

  • Holistic Approach: A homeopathic consultation involves an in-depth discussion of your medical history, current symptoms, and overall health. Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole, considering physical, mental, and emotional aspects. It aims to address underlying causes, promoting overall well-being rather than just symptom relief.
  • Personalized Treatment: The homeopath uses a complex system that matches your unique symptoms to a specific remedy believed to stimulate your body's healing response. Personalized treatments increase the likelihood of success and minimize the risk of adverse effects.
  • Stimulation of Hair Follicles: Homeopathic remedies stimulate hair follicles, promoting hair growth by addressing potential imbalances or deficiencies. The focus on individualized treatment may target specific factors contributing to MPB in each person.
  • No Side Effects: Homeopathic remedies are safe and effective and have no side effects. Your hair grows safely and naturally. Unlike some conventional medications, homeopathy aims to stimulate the body's healing mechanisms without causing harm.
  • Slows Progression of Hair Loss: Homeopathic treatments may help slow down the progression of MPB. By addressing the root causes, these remedies may contribute to maintaining existing hair and preventing further loss.
  • Improved Blood Circulation: Some homeopathic remedies enhance blood circulation to the scalp. Improved blood flow can nourish hair follicles, potentially supporting healthier hair growth.
  • Addresses Emotional Factors: Homeopathy considers the emotional impact of hair loss. Although more relevant in conditions such as Alopecia areata, emotional factors can affect all types of hair loss. Homeopathy addresses stress, anxiety, or other emotional factors that may contribute to MPB. Emotional well-being is an integral part of overall health and hair vitality.
  • Long-Term Results: Homeopathy focuses on long-term results rather than providing a quick fix. While it may take time to see improvements, the goal is to create sustained and lasting effects on hair health.
  • Prevention of further hair loss recurrence: By identifying and addressing the underlying factors contributing to MPB, homeopathy aims to prevent a recurrence. This preventative approach may contribute to ongoing hair health even after the initial symptoms have improved.

Lifestyle Changes for Managing Hair Loss in Men

Genetics play a significant role in male pattern baldness but a healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall hair health. Here are some lifestyle changes that may help manage hair loss in men:

  • Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet with vitamins and minerals important for hair health, like vitamin A, B vitamins (especially Biotin), vitamin C, and vitamin E. Include protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, and dairy products, as hair is composed mainly of protein.
  • Hydration: Stay adequately hydrated as water is essential for overall health, including hair health.
  • Avoid Harsh Hairstyles and Treatments: Avoid tight hairstyles and minimize the use of styling products to prevent damage to hair follicles and reduce the risk of hair loss. Minimize the use of heat-styling tools like blow dryers and straighteners.
  • Scalp Care: Keep the scalp clean by washing regularly with a mild shampoo. However, avoid excessive washing, as it may strip the scalp of natural oils. Consider using a gentle conditioner to keep the hair moisturized.
  • Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity to promote overall health, including blood circulation to the scalp. Cardiovascular exercise can help improve blood flow, which is important for hair follicle health.
  • Stress Management: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or mindfulness, as chronic stress can contribute to hair loss.
  • Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep, as lack of sleep can negatively impact overall health, including hair health.
  • Quit Smoking: If you smoke, consider quitting, as smoking has been linked to hair loss and premature greying.
  • Limit Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to nutritional deficiencies, impacting hair health. Moderation is key.
  • Consult with a Hair Doctor: If hair loss is significant or accelerating, consult with a hair specialist or a dermatologist. They can assess your specific situation and recommend appropriate medical interventions, such as prescription medications or topical treatments.

Dr Batra's® combines homeopathy with advanced technologies to offer a comprehensive and effective treatment for Male Pattern Baldness. A personalized treatment plan crafted by homeopathy doctors aims to restore hair and improve overall well-being holistically.

Medically Reviewed


  • B.H.M.S (Maharashtra University of Health Sciences)

  • FCHD (Fellowship in Homeopathic Dermatologist - Mumbai)

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