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Is the eczematous itch becoming a hitch?

Eczema Causes

Eczema is a condition that causes the skin to become inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough patches. Some variants might also result in blisters.

Eczema can affect anyone at any age and causes the skin to become red, itchy, dry, and inflamed. In most cases, it starts from infancy and continues throughout childhood. Eczema may be caused by several things, but the actual cause and process of the condition are yet unknown. Atopic Eczema causes can be a variety of things, including genetics and environmental factors, as well as its triggers.

Despite not being contagious, eczema has a major effect on the skin. Infections including warts, cold sores, and athlete's foot may be more likely to spread to the affected skin. When there is a family history of allergies, asthma, hay fever, etc., eczema or atopic dermatitis is present. It frequently occurs alongside other allergy and hypersensitive disorders, such as rhinitis.

Some of the causes of eczema include the following:

  • Genetics

    : Having family members with eczema, asthma, or seasonal allergies is a serious risk factor. Children with severe eczema are much more likely to subsequently acquire asthma or other allergies.
  • Environment

    : People who live in urban areas with higher levels of pollution are more prone to eczema.
  • Temperature

    : The change in temperature and humidity is one of the main causes of eczema. Heavy sweating can cause itchy skin, which can be an eczema trigger or cause.
  • Dry Climate

    : Continual exposure to dry air can lower the skin's natural moisture content, which can contribute to eczema. Inflammation is frequently brought on by excessive dryness, which in turn causes itching.
  • Stress

    : There is no clear explanation for why emotional stress can cause an eczema flare-up. Some individuals experience worsening eczema symptoms and flare-ups during times of "stress." Some people's skin may erupt simply from feeling worried about having eczema.

Certain types of eczema, including atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis, are brought on by a variety of circumstances. Materials like polyester or wool that can cause itching and redness may be among these eczema triggers or causes.

Risk Factors and complications:

  1. Asthma and hay fever
  2. Chronic itchy, scaly skin
  3. Skin infections
  4. Irritant hand dermatitis
  5. Sleep problems
  6. Mental health conditions
  7. Allergic contact dermatitis
  8. Excessively dry skin
  9. Inflamed skin
  10. Damage to the protective skin barrier thereby exposing the body to other infections.

Medically Reviewed

Experience: 15+ years


  • B.H.M.S (Maharashtra University of Health Sciences)

  • FCHD (Fellowship in Homeopathic Dermatologist - Mumbai)


What Is The Main Cause Of Eczema?

Eczema is related to a gene variation or an immune response that affects the skin's ability to protect against allergens. This allows your skin to be affected by environmental factors and irritants. In some children, food allergies may also play a major role as an eczema cause. Many people with eczema have a family history of allergies, asthma, or even atopic dermatitis.

They also tend to have sensitive skin that gets easily irritated and is a major reason for eczema. It is recommended for people with atopic dermatitis to consult an expert to evaluate the causes of eczema for an effective and long-lasting.

What Foods Are Causes Of Eczema Or Dermatitis?

You may have flare-ups or worsening of your eczema after consuming certain inflammatory foods and components. Among them include dairy, red meats, fish, soy, eggs, peanuts, refined carbs, gluten, and soy products. Eczema can also be brought on by dietary allergies, which can similarly induce an inflammatory reaction.

Can atopic dermatitis cause other diseases?

In severe cases of chronic conditions, the symptoms of eczema are also severe that they damage the protective layer the skin provides to the body. In such cases, there may be an increased risk for other infections to affect the body.

Is Eczema a fungal infection?

Even though fungal infection is a condition that causes itchy skin, it is very different from eczema. Fungal infections and allergic reactions that cause itching can always be mistaken for eczema. Eczema however is a chronic condition and requires long-term treatment.

What is the best medicine for Eczema?

Conventional medicine for eczema includes steroid creams and topical corticosteroids. However these treatments can bring a lot of side effects and are usually temporary. They aim to suppress the condition, rather than treat it from the root. Some doctors may also advice avoiding triggers associated to eczema. Homeopathy medicines are proven to be very effective in the treatment of eczema. They treat the condition from the root and prevent any recurrence and are free of side effects.

Is mental stress a reason for Eczema?

Studies have shown that mental stress and eczema are closely linked. Mental stress can be a trigger for eczema and eczema can in turn cause more mental stress. The itching associated with eczema can not only be embarrassing but can also keep one awake at night thereby reducing the quality of sleep.

The visible oozing and sores caused by eczema can also leave one socially embarrassed. Modern medicine does not pay enough heed to the mind-body connect. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that takes into account your mental and emotional condition while treating your eczema.

Is Dyshidrotic Eczema Contagious?

Dyshidrotic eczema, also known as acute palmoplantar eczema or pompholyx, is a type of chronic eczema that is not contagious. This is a long-term skin condition that results in a certain form of inflammation. The symptoms of this disease can be controlled in most patients with the right homeopathy treatment.

What Triggers Dyshidrotic Eczema?

The exact cause of dyshidrotic eczema is unknown. It might happen as a result of the following extrinsic triggers:

  • Increased stress
  • Allergies, including hay fever and asthma
  • Frequently moist or sweaty hands and feet
  • Exposure or contact with certain substances (allergens) including cement, nickel, cobalt, or chromium

Can Dermatitis Be Brought On By Stress?

Eczema is not directly caused by emotional stress, although it can cause its symptoms to appear. When under great stress, the body produces a hormone called cortisol, which causes inflammation all over the body. A flare-up of eczema may result from this inflammation. To deal with stressful situations, try deep breathing, meditation, resting, relaxing, and doing regular exercise.

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