5 common types of hair loss

5 common types of hair loss

Hair Loss
September 11, 2018 , Last updated: July 5, 2024

Hairloss are of several types. Baldness is the commonest and a matter of great concern. Below we are highlighting the most common types of hairloss which we see in our day to day practice.

  • Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) (Patterned Baldness)

    Androgenetic Alopecia is a genetic form of hairloss and is common in both men and women. It is referred to as Male Patterned Baldness (MPB) in males and Female Patterned Baldness (FPB) in females. They can experience this type of hairloss as early as twenty years of age. This hairloss is characterized with a receding hairline and balding at the crown first and then would be left with a strip of hair at the back of head and sides in males as it progresses. In females it does not quite progress to a state of complete baldness like males. Women affected by hair loss may show hair thinning on the scalp when hair is parted in the midline. The exposed area resembles a ‘Christmas Tree.’ Timely treatment can save it from progressing into further grades of baldness.

  • Telogen Effluvium

    Telogen effluvium is a temporary hairloss. This happens due to changes in the growth cycle of hair. A large number of hair goes into resting / falling phase at the same time causing a lot of hair to fall out. In this type of hairloss it could occur suddenly and be so severe that it becomes thinner in short time but it could also start slow and last longer.

  • Alopecia Areata

    Alopecia areata is one of the most common forms of patchy hair loss. It manifests as small, bald patches on the scalp. They may appear suddenly or in a relatively short span of time. Patchy hairloss is not life threatening but it can cause significant damage to one’s self image. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition, in which White Blood Cells (WBC) attack and destroy our hair follicles. This causes the hair to rapidly fall out resulting in the formation of bald patches. Alopecia areata is non-contagious and does not spread because of using common combs, hair brush or contact with a person suffering from it. It affects both sexes and all ages. 

  • Scarring Alopecia

    When the skin gets scarred, hair follicles in the skin are replaced by scar tissue permanently. This is known as scarring hair loss or cicatrical alopecia. Hair loss over such area is permanent and irreversible. Scarring hair loss can affect both men and women and people across all ages. In some cases, it forms slowly, in other instances; it may appear instantaneously, following a scalp injury. The condition typically occurs when the hair follicle is destroyed and is replaced with scar tissue. Put simply, just about any injury or infection of the scalp can lead to a scar tissue. In like manner, scarring hair loss can be triggered by the use of chemical relaxers, perms and hair colour that contains bleach.

  • Some skin conditions that can trigger scarring hair loss are as follows:

    1. Lichen Planopilaris: This condition is marked by purplish, raised, itchy, flat-topped lesions that heal with a scar.
    2. DLE (Discoid Lupus Erythematosus): This is marked by irregular patches of dark and pale white skin, along with redness, scales, scarring and hair follicles devoid of hair.
    3. Kerion: Raised spongy lesions on the scalp with pus discharge. These are formed in response to a fungal infection of the hair follicle.
  • Traction Alopecia

    Due to prolonged tension of hair follicles by tying tight braids or ponytail can result in traction alopecia.

    Visit our nearest clinic and know what is your type of hair loss. Treatment differs from the type of hairloss and hence it is important to know the type of hairloss.

Dr. Sejal Borivali
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