7 reasons your face keeps on breaking out

7 reasons your face keeps on breaking out

Skin Ailments
October 23, 2018 , Last updated: July 10, 2024

A clear, fair and spotless skin is every humans dream. There could never be a worst day seeing your face having breakouts when you wake up. How did this happen? You are all excited about an event and the moment you notice this breakout it just upsets your mood. Some would say that it’s hereditary or due to eating junk food or for ladies their monthly aunt flow or blaming your poor skin for being oily. In anxiety to get rid of these pimples we tend to break it or apply toothpaste or just try any quick fixes without understanding that it could permanently scar our skin and we could look uglier for a lifetime.

Acne or pimples mostly appear in teenagers. It is the oil glands or sebaceous glands which produce excessive oil and block the pores of the skin. This blocked pore of the skin gets infected by bacteria, most commonly Propionibacterium which causes inflammation and pus filled acne. Hormonal change is not the only factor which causes acne but there are many other reasons for acne popping up.

7 most common causes of acne

  1. Skin products or Cosmetics: when we suffer from acne our skin is called a comedogenic skin. Using skin products which increase oil secretion or cream based skin products or cosmetics will cause the acne to aggravate. Hence if you are suffering from acne, you need to check that the skin product or cosmetic is non-comedogenic. This will reduce the chances of developing acne.
  2. Certain medications: Conventional medicines like corticosteroids, anti-convulsion medicines, anti-tuberculosis medicine, anti-depressants, vitamin B6 or vitamin B12 supplements are also known to trigger acne. If you are on any of these medications since a long time, then make it sure to ask your treating doctor if you have unsettles acne.
  3. Changing diet: The saying “You are what you eat”, is very true. If you are a lover of fried foods, dairy products or foods high on preservative, then they are to be blamed for your unsettled acne. Eat clean to keep your skin healthy and young. Incorporate fruits and vegetables in your diet to help your skin repair and become spotless.
  4. Sun damage: Vit D3 is necessary to keep our skin and bones healthy. This can be achieved if you expose your body to the early morning sun, i.e. just as soon as the sun rises. The sun from 09:00 am gets very harsh for our skin. Exposing ourselves to these extreme rays of sun can cause breakouts, faster aging and even skin cancers. The sun tends to dry the skin and in response to this our body starts secreting more oil to avoid the skin from getting dehydrated. This causes the pimples to break out. Hence if your job demands you to be outdoor most of the times then use a good sunscreen. If you feel like sunbathing then make it sure that you are applying a good sunscreen to avoid the harsh sun rays from damaging your skin.
  5. Sleep deprived: Deprivation of sleep is one of the causes for breakouts. We definitely love to nourish our body with the vitamins it requires but sleep is an important vitamin for our brain. When we do not sleep enough it tends to produce excessive oil which clogs the pores with the dead skin cells and causes more breakouts. Getting peaceful and restful sleep of atleast 7 hours would help to repair our skin and not only reduce the tendency for breakouts but will also act as anti-ageing for our skin.
  6. Stress: Most of us are aware about the negative impacts of stress on our body. It could cause a spectrum of health related issues from breakouts to life threatening diseases like cancers. Stress causes the body to release excessive amounts of glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens. This causes excessive oil secretion by the oil glands which causes the blockage of pores and leads to increased break outs. Not only this, stress also lowers the immunity and makes us prone to many infections and autoimmune diseases.
  7. Smoking habits: Smoking may help you alleviate your mood for time being but it comes with a series of health damaging effects. When you smoke the oxygen levels in your entire body reduce which also reduces the flow of oxygen to your face causing breakouts. Not only acne but it can cause the natural vitamins like vitamin C and other nutrients in the body to deplete which could further deteriorate health and skin. Smoking causes breakdown of elastin and collagen which help the skin to remain firm. This causes the skin to age faster.

Homeopathic medicine for acne:

  1. Homeopathy believes in individualized treatment. It offers different remedies for different types of acne as it does for any other illness based on its presentation.
  2. Acne is not just a disorder of the skin; it is also an external manifestation of an internal imbalance, something that needs to be addressed on a deeper or constitutional level.
  3. The homeopathic approach looks at the individuality of the person; it also examines not just the symptoms, but also the personality and temperament of the individual, without limiting itself to treating the outwardly symptoms.
  4. Homeopathy treats the cause, for example, stress, or dandruff while eradicating the external expression of an inner disorder.
  5. Homeopathic medicine for acne also stimulates the individual’s immunity from within. The result is a permanent resolution of the acne distress, from back to front.
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