8 Things You Need to Know About Psoriasis

8 Things you need to know about psoriasis

May 22, 2017 , Last updated: May 6, 2024

Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of red, flaky patches of skin. The patches can come and disappear over the course of a few weeks or they may linger on and worsen. Getting early psoriasis treatment is very important to avoid the disease spreading and affecting new areas of skin. Let’s answer the most commonly asked questions on this skin condition.

  1. What causes psoriasis?

    Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. In psoriasis, the body’s skin cells multiply over 10 times faster than normal. A healthy body takes around 3 weeks to grow skin cells. In psoriasis, new skin cells are generated within 3 to 5 days. As these new skin cells suddenly reach the surface and die, the increased volume and build-up of cells cause red, raised and scaly skin plaques to form. This inflammation is psoriasis.

  2. I heard that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. What is the meaning of autoimmune?

    Autoimmune disease is a condition in which the body fails to recognize its own healthy cells and begins attacking them as if they were foreign bodies. In psoriasis, the body thinks its healthy skin cells are dangerous or dying and it doubles up its production of new cells to replace the old ones. Autoimmune diseases are often genetically passed on.

  3. What parts of my body can be affected by psoriasis?

    Psoriasis can affect almost any part of your body. However, it mainly appears on the scalp, elbows, knees, hands, and feet. Certain types of psoriasis occur in areas which have multiple skin folds such as the underarms or the belly. Facial psoriasis can also occur with the rash developing mainly on the hairline, nose and upper lip.

  4. I think my colleague has psoriasis. Can I catch it from him?

    The good news is that psoriasis is absolutely non-contagious. So, whether your colleague is getting psoriasis treatment or not, there is no need to keep your distance or get paranoid about any skin contact that may occur. Neither is psoriasis air or water borne.

  5. My family has a history of psoriasis. Any triggers that might set off the condition in me?

    Yes, if your family has a history of psoriasis, there are some triggers that could set off the skin condition for you. The triggers are varied and different for everyone. Some of the common ones are skin injuries or wounds, excessive alcohol consumption, chain smoking, stress, respiratory infections, too much exposure to direct sunlight or even excessive use of chemical laden skin creams.

  6. Are there different types of psoriasis?

    Yes. There are different types of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type which is marked by dry, scaly red-coloured bumps on the skin. Inverse psoriasis appears as lesions on areas that have skin folds such as the breasts and underarms. Pustular psoriasis appears as blisters which are sometimes pus filled.   Guttate psoriasis rash are small tear-drop shaped spots that usually appear in children or teenagers.

  7. Are there any foods that are good to keep psoriasis in control? Any foods I should be avoiding?

    Maintaining a proper diet is an important step in psoriasis treatment. Maintain a gluten free diet and cut down on alcohol, processed foods, and cigarettes. Avoid wheat, sugar, red meats, potato, and barley. Consume foods that help you fight inflammation. This includes a diet rich in berries, citrus fruits, fatty fish, ginger, beetroot, broccoli, walnuts, and spinach. Supplement your diet with flaxseeds, olive oil and turmeric.

  8. Any tips to keep my skin from getting triggered or to keep my psoriasis under control?

    Keep your skin moisturised with medicated creams from your doctor. Use a humidifier at home. Avoid harsh soaps, plastic loofahs, synthetic fibres, cosmetics, and perfumes. Let your doctor recommend a medicated body wash. Never bathe in very hot water as this will irritate the rashes. You would need to cut down on any vices such as daily consumption of alcohol or excessive smoking.

Treatment of psoriasis in homeopathy

Psoriasis is an increasingly common skin disorder and a very persistent one that requires proper medication and care. Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis targets the disorder at its root level. Treatment of psoriasis in homeopathy focuses on arresting further spread of the skin infection.

Homeopathy is based on personalised healing. Each patient receives care as per his / her medical history, genetic susceptibility to the disease and lifestyle. Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis has no toxins and no side effects. This makes it especially great for children with psoriasis. If you or your loved ones are suffering from psoriasis, do consider homeopathy for its holistic healing approach.

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