Are acne scars more than skin deep?

Are Acne Scars More Than Skin Deep?

August 20, 2021 , Last updated: September 6, 2024

Even mild acne can cause scars if left untreated. There are numerous acne treatments, but the treatments to stop acne scars are fewer. Acne scars do not impact every person in the same way. For some, they are just scars, but for a few, they can cause turmoil in their day-to-day life.

In the process of healing, you generally get hyperpigmentation which is very typical. You may see that your pigmentation will decrease on its own even if not treated. When pits form in the skin, they are called depressed scars. At times, they are also called atrophic scars. The scars, primarily on the back and chest, are called raised scars; they are also called hypertrophic scars.

Most people, at some point in time, suffer from acne. If you get acne treatment early, you have a better chance to not develop deep scars. Treatments for deep scars can help remove pigmentation, visibility of spots, and reduce the size of the scars.

How to take care of your acne scars?

Acne scars can cause emotional distress, impact your self-esteem, and many may even face difficulties in socializing. This is why it is essential to treat acne scars. Remember that to poke, pick or squeeze your acne can make it worse. Keeping your hand away from your face and a visit to your dermatologist is the best care for your acne scars. The longer you wait to seek professional advice, the worse the acne scars become.

Acne is a manageable and treatable condition. Just take the proper steps at the right time. Procedures like derma-abrasion, laser and chemical treatments are expensive and not everyone can afford them. However, there are alternative treatments that can also help you to get rid of acne scars.

Can homeopathy help to treat acne scars?

Homeopathic treatment for acne is the best path to treat your acne and acne marks. Your homeopathic doctor can help you find the cause of acne and prescribe customized treatment for you. The proper treatment itself can prevent acne scars.

Are acne scars more than skin deep?


Homeopathic approach to treat acne scars:

There is a wide range of homeopathic treatments available, which can help you get rid of acne scars. A few of the remedies are Arsenicum Album, Berberis Aquifolium, Kali Bromatum, Bovista, Antimonium Crudum, Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Secale Cornutum, etc. These remedies help to reduce various kinds of acne. They also help to lessen long-standing acne scars and clear the complexion. Avoid self-medications. Your homeopathic doctor will provide you the best-suited remedy, which covers the totality of the symptoms.

You can visit Dr. Batra's® for more detailed information about your acne and acne scars. The thorough consultation and holistic approach can help you to keep your acne at bay! Homeopathy does not treat just the disease but the whole individual. You can book an online appointment with us now.

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