Are warts hard?

Are warts hard?

May 21, 2021 , Last updated: June 26, 2024

Skin warts are noncancerous growths. They appear when your skin is infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus triggers the extra cell growth that makes the outer layer of the skin thick and hard in that particular spot. While warts can grow anywhere on the skin, one is more likely to get them on hands or feet. Warts are typically painless and may cause minimal discomfort. They are usually skin-colored or red in appearance. If you scratch it excessively, then warts may also bleed. Warts vary in appearance and may develop in clusters or singles.

Types of warts

The location of the wart and its appearance will determine the type of wart.

  • Common warts:

    Common warts often develop on the fingers, nails, toes, or the back of the hand. (Source: American Academy of Dermatology Association) Sometimes, these warts develop on the knees. These warts typically occur in the areas around bitten fingernails or where someone has pulled a hangnail. These warts are rough in texture and can vary in size from a pinhead to pea-size. Some common warts contain tiny, seed-like black dots. A common wart that resembles a cauliflower in appearance is known as a butcher’s wart.


  • Plantar warts:

    Plantar warts typically occur on the feet or ankles. (Source: Medical News Today) These warts also tend to develop on the soles. These are often flat and you can push these inwards as you walk. This inward growth can cause pain and create the feeling of a pebble stuck in your shoe.


  • Mosaic warts:

    Mosaic warts appear in clusters, usually on the ball of the foot or the toes. (Source: NCBI) These warts are paler and flatter than plantar warts.


  • Flat warts:

    Flat warts or plane warts are slightly raised and smooth in appearance. These warts can be light brown and develop most often on the forehead and cheeks. (Source: NCBI) Nevertheless, these warts can also develop on the hands, lower arms, and legs.


  • Filiform warts:

    Filiform warts are spiky in appearance. (Source: American Academy of Dermatology Association) They grow quickly and often appear around the eyes, nose, and mouth.


Are warts contagious?

Warts are not considered very contagious, but there are chances to get warts if there is skin-to-skin contact. The infection can also be directly transmitted from contaminated surfaces or objects, such as the area around the swimming pool or the garden or lawns. One is more likely to get infected if their skin is damaged or wet. After you become infected, it can take weeks or even months for a wart to appear.

Skin warts are easy to recognize as they have a characteristic appearance. But it is always better to consult the doctor if you have a growth on your skin which you are unable to identify or are worried about.

Are warts hard?

Homeopathy for warts

Homeopathy is one of the safest treatments for warts as it treats with zero side effects and gives long-lasting results. This is because homeopathic remedy corresponds to the individual characteristics of the person as well as the appearance and the type of warts, which differ in every patient.

Homeopathy treatment provides long-term relief to patients suffering from warts. There is no ‘one medicine suits all’ in the case of homeopathy because homeopathic medicines are customized after considering certain factors such as the nature of the patient, the medical history, the behavior, and the temperament of the patient.

Why Dr Batra’s®?

At Dr Batra’s®, we make sure that we give customized treatment to every patient because we understand that the needs and concerns of every individual are different from each other and so their treatment will also differ. We have a dedicated team of homeopathic doctors who dig down deep to find the root cause of the issue and then prescribe the treatment plan accordingly.

Book an appointment online to get homeopathy treatment for warts or you can simply visit nearby clinics to find more information on the same.

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