Is Arsenic Album 30 the Immunity Booster for You?

Is Arsenic Album 30 the Immunity Booster for You

Homeopathy Treatment
January 22, 2021 , Last updated: July 17, 2024

If you have a strong immune system, you're less susceptible to catch infections. Homeopathic remedies are proven to be natural immunity-boosters and could serve as the prophylactic (preventive)medicines, during epidemic diseases. According to The US National Library of Medicine, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann used homeopathic remedy Belladonnato treat scarlet fever.

Aby the faculty of medicine, San Paulo, Brazil, states that there is a correlation in the genius of most flu pandemics. This correlation was also seen in cases of the Spanish Flu or H1N1 and its response to homeopathic prophylacticremedies, during theflu-based epidemics. In India too, homeopathy has been used successfully as a preventive treatment method, during the 2006 chikungunya epidemic that hit Kerala. Thus, homeopathy has been repeatedly used during different epidemics to improve the body’s immunity.

In the current COVID-19pandemic, the homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album 30 got recommendation from The Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH)Ministry of India as an immunity booster.

The Benefits of Homeopathic Medicine Arsenicum Album 30

The AYUSH Ministry recommended that this homeopathic remedy should be taken on an empty stomach, daily for three days as a prophylactic medicine, against the viral infection.

  1. Arsenic Album 30 homeopathic medicine is useful in respiratory diseases with, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, wheezing, dry cough and coughing that gets worse in the night.
  2. This homeopathic remedy is also used to treat psychological disorders like anxiety and depression.
  3. This homeopathic medicine can also treat excessive weakness, severe exhaustion and fatigue.

Please note, self-medication or self-treatment isn’t recommended.
You should always consult a homeopathic specialist for the customized treatment plan.

How to Boost Immunity Naturally?

Your immune system does an extraordinary job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. A weak immune system makes you susceptible to disease-causing microbes and you can get prone to various allergy attacks. Your first line of defence is to choose a healthy lifestyle along with a customised homeopathictreatment plan. Here are some tips that can help to boost your natural immunity.

  1. Practice self-care:

    It’s important to maintain a healthy schedule for the day that includes exercise, active lifestyle, healthy food, and happy times. To uplift your mood, wake up in the morning on time, exercise for 45 minutes, eat a healthy breakfast; practice self-caresuch as, meditation, reading, skin careand get enough hydration.


  2. Keep calm and carry on:

    When you can't control what's happening around you, try to change the way you respond to it. Stress, anxiety and depression can bring down your immune system and certainly does no good for your overall health.


  3. Stay away from the buzz:

    Unauthorised information or too many updates can make you mentally and emotionally tired. Instead, opt to read a new book, watch a movie, or play games with your loved ones.


  4. Yoga for asthma:

    Practice yoga and deep breathing exercises for optimal health. According to a research study by The University of Michigan Health System (UMHS), deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress and depression. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. Health conditions such as,asthma, increased heart rate and high blood pressure, decrease as you breathe deeply to relax.


  5. Boost your natural immunity:

    Resort to a concoction of natural herbs such as, tulsi (basil leaves), mulethi, turmeric, dalchini(cinnamon bark) and ginger to stimulate and build up a strong immune system. These natural herbs that are easily present in most Indian households, can keep many diseases away. Additionally, include more salads, probiotics (yogurt & banana), protein, and vitaminC (orange, lemon and amla) in your diet to make yourself ready to fight against allergies and viral infections.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 80% of the world’s population uses natural herbal medicines for primary health care, particularly across Europe and South Asia. Their research indicates that many of these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that also help strengthen the body’s natural immunity.

Read more about how to build strong immunity and safeguard your health:

Is Arsenic Album 30 the Immunity Booster for You?


Homeopathy for Immunity

Homeopathic medicines do not suppress any allergy symptoms, instead they enhance your active immunity response to the viruses, infections and bacteria. Homeopathy is not only therapeutic; it also works as a useful preventative homeopathic treatment for cold allergies. Hence, the next time you experience allergy symptoms treat them with the best homeopathic allergy medicine. Homeopathic medicines are very effective when taken at the onset of any ailment symptoms. Additionally, we highly recommended that you take the child or adult immunity evaluation test in order to assess the current state of your immune system.

A homeopathic doctor will ask you a couple of questions regarding your diet, lifestyle pattern and overall personality to understand the root cause of your common allergy. After a thorough assessment of your general health, the homeopathy doctor will prescribe an appropriate homeopathic remedy that will naturally boost your immunity. You don’t need to worry about any side-effects as homeopathic medications provide natural allergy relief. Book an appointment with Dr Batra’s® at and let our homeopathic specialist customise your treatment plan on ‘how to increase immunity’!

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