Homeopathy: Best treatment for warts

Homeopathy: Best treatment for warts

April 20, 2021 , Last updated: July 5, 2024

Skin warts are common worldwide and affect about 10% of the population. (Source: NCBI) Warts usually have a rough texture and can grow anywhere on the body. They can look like miniature cauliflower. Some might look like a solid blister. Warts are more probable to occur where the skin is injured. It can be due to a cut or a wound.

Warts are benign growths on the skin. These growths occur when the Human Papilloma Virus infects the top layer of the skin. As viruses cause warts, they can spread from one person to another. Therefore, warts are contagious. Hence, it is advised to stay away from touching a wart or anything that has just been in contact with it.

Types of warts

Warts can be classified into different types depending on their location –

  • Common warts:

    These are flesh-colored growths and are seen on fingers, back of hands, feet, and face. They are typically small in size varying from a pinhead to the size of a pea. They are more common on the hands and where the skin was broken at some point in time. Biting nails is another reason for these common warts. And this can transfer the virus from the fingers or the nails to the face.


  • Plantar warts:

    These are seen on the soles of feet. They are often flat in nature and may even grow inwards due to pressure on the feet. These warts can hurt badly and feel as if there are pebbles in your shoes.


  • Flat warts:

    Flat warts are smaller in size and are usually present in clusters. They are smooth in their texture. They are more probable to be seen on children’s faces, men’s beard areas, and women’s legs.


  • Filiform warts:

    Filiform warts are like long threads or fingers that stick out. The growth rate is high and they seem to prop out unexpectedly. These are typically seen on the nose, around the eyes, and on the mouth.


Homeopathy: Best treatment for warts

Treatment of warts

The allopathic treatment of warts is typically surgical in nature. They are usually removed by laser removal, some sort of chemical application, or cauterization. The problem with this sort of treatment is that it may not treat the cause or the virus. It has a tendency to cause warts to reappear. Another drawback is that it tends to leave scars on the skin.

Skin warts can be treated very safely and effectively with homeopathy. The beauty of this homeopathic treatment of warts is that warts do not recur. Another benefit of homeopathic treatment of warts is that it does not leave any marks or scars on the skin.

A recent study of homeopathic treatment for different types of warts found that 18 out of 19 individuals with plantar warts were cured in an average of 2.2 months. (Source: Indian Journal of Drugs in Dermatology)

When the warts are moist and brown, Thuja is one of the best homeopathic remedies. Usually, these warts are sensitive to touch too. Causticum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for warts that are pedunculated and bleeding. Dulcamara is one of the best homeopathic medicines for warts that are flat and fleshy.

Remember not to self-medicate. It is important to get a confirmed diagnosis from an expert homeopathy doctor. He/she will prescribe you homeopathic medicines after taking your detailed case history. Dr Batra’s® has been treating patients with warts at an 89% success rate for more than 35 years now. Book an appointment with us for side-effect-free warts treatment.

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