Can Alopecia Areata turn into totalis?

Can Alopecia Areata Turn Into Totalis?

Alopecia Areata
September 15, 2021 , Last updated: July 19, 2024

While alopecia areata is not life-threatening, it can be embarrassing and upsetting to live with. Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune condition that results in hair loss. The disease tends to affect children and adults but can occur at any age.

Although no one knows what triggers the autoimmune reaction, certain factors can make a person more susceptible to this disease. There are different types of alopecia areata, i.e., alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis, which affect the scalp and areas such as the eyebrows and body hair.

What is alopecia totalis?

Alopecia totalis is a condition where all of the hair falls out from one’s head. It appears to be more common in people whose family members have alopecia areata.

What are the symptoms of alopecia totalis?


  • The symptom of alopecia totalis starts with small patches of hair loss. These patches spread over time until the entire head is bald.
  • Hair loss can begin suddenly and occur rapidly. If you have alopecia totalis, you may also have brittle, pitted nails.

Difference between alopecia totalis and alopecia areata:

Alopecia totalis is different from alopecia areata, as it usually causes total loss of hair on a person's scalp, including eyebrows and eyelashes. Some patients may also experience baldness on other body parts like the torso, arms, legs, and face. The underlying cause for both conditions remains unclear, but some evidence supports a genetic link.

Difference between alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis:

Patients with alopecia universalis lose all their body hair, including head hair, beard, chest hair, pubic hair, etc. Alopecia totalis affects scalp hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

Can Alopecia Areata turn into totalis?


Can alopecia areata lead to alopecia totalis?

Yes, it can lead to alopecia totalis. Alopecia areata can get better on its own without treatment but, if it does not, then alopecia totalis may eventually develop due to the constant loss of hair. Alopecia totalis is an advanced form of alopecia areata and results in complete hair loss on the scalp. Unlike alopecia areata, this condition does not spare any hair from the scalp. According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, about 1/3 of people who suffer from alopecia areata will eventually develop alopecia totalis. However, it is essential to note that not all cases of alopecia areata will lead to the development of this condition.

Can alopecia totalis be cured?

When treating a disease for which there is no known cure, you can always rely on homeopathy. A study looked at the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in patients with alopecia areata and alopecia totalis. The study covered five years, in which 70 patients were given individualized homeopathic remedies according to their specific symptoms. Most of these cases showed improvement after 18 months. (Source: Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy)

How does Dr Batra’s® Homeopathic treatment help treat alopecia totalis?

  • Dr Batra’s® homeopathic alopecia treatment focuses on individual symptoms and the totality of the person. We provide a customized and personalized approach to find out the underlying cause of your disease.
  • Our doctors provide a proper dosage of homeopathic remedies so that alopecia areata patients get maximum benefit.
  • Our alopecia treatment in homeopathy has shown a 96.6% positive treatment outcome rate, as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors.

You can book your appointment today with Dr Batra’s®, one of the leading homeopathy clinics that offer the best treatment for alopecia totalis!

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