Common Symptoms of ADHD

Common Symptoms of ADHD

December 15, 2017 , Last updated: July 1, 2024

It is normal for children to occasionally daydream during class, forget their homework, get fidgety at the dinner table, or act without thinking. But, if a child repetitively shows such behavior, it is a matter of concern. The child may be suffering from ADHD.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition defined by a consistent pattern of inattention, hyperactive, or impulsivity that interferes with the daily functioning of children at home and school. It impacts children and adults, boys and girls, and people of all backgrounds.

The symptoms of ADHD in children typically appear before the age of seven. However, it can be difficult for you to distinguish between ADHD and normal kid behavior. If you spot ADHD symptoms in few situations, it’s probably not ADHD. On the other hand, if children show a number of ADHD symptoms that are present in all situations—at home, at school, and at play - it’s time to take a closer look. But for that, you must know the symptoms of ADHD to observe in your child. Below given are common symptoms of ADHD:

Common ADHD Symptoms:


  • Seems to not listen when spoken to directly 
    (Example: mind seems elsewhere, even in the absence of obvious distraction)
  • Makes careless mistakes and lacks attention to details 
    (Example: overlooking or missing details or handing in work that’s inaccurate)
  • Has difficulty paying attention to tasks or while playing
    (Example: difficulty remaining focused during class, conversations, or lengthy readings)
  • Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
    (Example: messy, disorganized work; poor time management)
  • Fails to follow through on instructions, schoolwork, or chores
    (Example: starts tasks but quickly loses focus and is easily sidetracked)
  • Avoids, or dislikes, or is reluctant to participate in tasks requiring sustained mental effort, like schoolwork or homework
  • Loses things like school materials or, if older, wallets, keys, eyeglasses, and mobile phones
  • Gets easily distracted


  • Fidgets with or taps hands and feet or squirms in seat
  • Has difficulty waiting for his or her turn
    (Example: while waiting in line)
  • Runs or climbs where it is inappropriate or feels restless
  • Leaves seat when remaining seated is expected
    (Example: leaves their place in the classroom or in other situations that require remaining seated)
  • Unable to play quietly or, if older, struggles to participate in leisurely activities
  • Acts as if "on the go" or “driven by a motor” 
    (Example: is unable or uncomfortable being still for an extended time, as in restaurants) 


  • Blurts out an answer before a question has been fully asked
    (Examples: completes people’s sentences, cannot wait for next turn in conversation)
  • Talks excessively
  • Interrupts or intrudes on others
    (Example: butts into conversations, games, or activities; may start using other people’s things without asking or receiving permission) 
  • Prone to doing risky things without thinking about the consequences (Example: leading to accidents and injuries)

Another important thing to remember is that a child can meet all the diagnostic criteria for ADHD without actually having the disorder. That means in order to find out whether your child is really suffering from ADHD or not, seeing doctor is a must. Without medical advice, never assume that your kid has ADHD.

You can also take help of a homeopath in identifying the disease symptoms. A homeopath understands the root cause of the disorder, its triggering factors and gives natural homeopathic medicines to the kids accordingly. The medicines homeopath prescribe to children are made up of natural substances, hence, they are safe and doesn’t have any side-effects.

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