Debunking the myths of psoriasis

Debunking the myths of psoriasis

July 6, 2019 , Last updated: August 5, 2024

It’s not necessary that all the information out there about psoriasis is true! And unfortunately, it’s often the common misconceptions that people hear about the most. Sofor the sake of those living with the condition, why not debunk the myths once and for all?

Myth #1 - Psoriasis is contagious

Psoriasis isn’t an infection, but an autoimmune disease. Psoriasis is caused by a combination of genetic factors and environmental triggers – none of which can be passed on through contact with the affected skin directly, hug, kiss, or share food.

Myth #2 - Psoriasis is just a rash

Psoriasis is actually a chronic autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation throughout the body. Clinicians believe that the condition results from a malfunctioning immune system that causes the body to begin producing skin cells much more quickly than normal. As the skin cells don’t have adequate time to shed, they build up into the patches that are a tell-tale symptom of psoriasis.

Myth #3 - All psoriasis is the same

There are several types of psoriasis. These include pustular, erythrodermic, inverse, guttate, and plaque. The most common form is plaque psoriasis, which is characterized by red patches of skin covered in white or grey scales made up of dead skin cells.

Myth #4 - Psoriasis symptoms are only skin deep

The effects of psoriasis aren’t just cosmetic. The patches of skin it creates can be painful and itchy. They can crack and bleed, potentially becoming infected. These effects can cause people who live with psoriasis to also deal with feelings of stigmatization, depression, and anxiety, all of which can seriously affect their mental health as well as their work and close relationships. It can even lead to suicide!

Myth #5 - Psoriasis isn’t linked to other physical medical conditions

When psoriasis isn’t properly managed, it can lead to serious medical conditions. People who have psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis.

Myth #6- Psoriasis is an adult disease

Psoriasis is more common in adults. The chances for a child to develop psoriasis are greater when one parent has it. The risk is 10% if one parent has it and 50% if both parents do.

Myth #7 - Psoriasis is caused by poor hygiene

Psoriasis has nothing to do with hygiene and everything to do with bad luck – we now know the condition is caused by a combination of genes that make you more susceptible, plus environmental triggers such as infection, stress, or exposure to a particular agent. This causes the immune system to send out signals that speed the growth of skin cells. Rather than slough off like normal skin cells, these pile up to form those characteristic plaques.

Myth #8 - Psoriasis is untreatable

Psoriasis definitely can be treated. The treatment methods have three objectives: to stop the overactive skin cell reproduction, to soothe itching and inflammation, and to remove excess dead skin from the body. In fact, you can read it for yourself: Psoriasis treatment

Homeopathic treatment of psoriasis

The conventional treatment of psoriasis includes immune modulators, phototherapy and topical immune modulators. The possible side-effects of conventional treatment are drug toxicity, cancer and skin atrophy. The advantages of homeopathic treatment of psoriasis are no toxicity, no side-effects and improved immunity. Dr Batra’s have successfully treated more than 25,000 cases of psoriasis with homeopathy over the past 35 years. They provide customised treatment plans that include homeopathic medicines, counselling, individualised diet plans prepared by their nutritionists. The homeopathic remedies given for psoriasis address the body’s immunity level and graduallyreinstate the deviance back to routine. They help to control the further progress of the disease.


So now you all know the facts. Now go forth and set the world straight. These facts are definitely a cure for misconceptions!

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