Dust mite allergens - a major risk factor for childhood asthma

Dust mite allergens - a major risk factor for childhood asthma

July 16, 2019 , Last updated: October 4, 2024

Asthma makes people's airways hyperactive. They swell and become narrow, often resulting in difficulty in breathing. For some people, it can be a minor nuisance, but for many it interferes with routine activities and may also lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. Just imagine a child going through this trauma of struggling to breathe. Unfortunately, as per the estimates about 10-15% of children in the age group of 5-10 are prone to asthma in India.

These children and their parents suffer a lot on a psychological front. There have been cases when preschools have rejected admissions to asthmatic children. They are left out of field trips as teachers are afraid to take responsibility of an asthmatic child. Though asthma cannot be cured, its symptoms can be controlled, and one of the ways to do this is to know the allergens that might have triggered asthma. Yes, allergies put you at more risk of having asthma. Let’s take a look at one of the common triggers of asthma - Dust mites. Allergy to dust mites is one of the major risk factors for childhood asthma.

Dust mite allergy & asthma link

In one of the annual asthma surveys conducted in UK, around 64% participants said dust triggered their asthma symptoms. Children with dust-mite allergy are more likely to have asthma.

Dust mites are the tiny creatures that live in the dust particles that build up around homes in carpets, soft toys, bedding, cushions and furniture. If you know that your child has a dust mite allergy and also has asthma, it is possible that his dust allergy is triggering asthma symptoms.

How do you know that your child is sensitive to dust mites?

Check for the below symptoms in your child.

  • Sneezing after exposure to dust particles
  • Nasal congestion & runny nose
  • Itchy, red or watery eyes
  • Frequent upward rubbing of the nose
  • Coughing
  • Swollen skin under the eyes
  • Facial pressure and pain.

If your child’s dust allergy has led to asthma, he might also experience below symptoms:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Tightness or pain in the chest
  • Whistling or wheezing sound while exhaling
  • Shortness of breath & coughing leading to trouble in sleeping.

5 steps to cut the risk of asthma due to dust mites

You can cut down the risk of dust mites triggering asthma in your child by taking preventive measures every day. Follow these 5 steps:

Step 1 — Stay away from the dust: Obviously if you know that your child is allergic to dust, make sure he stays stay away from it. Of course it is not easy but we can always try minimizing his exposure to dust. Make sure his mattress and pillows are covered with dust-proof or allergen impermeable covers. Wash all bedding and blankets at least once a week in hot water. It is also recommended that you use synthetic materials instead of wool or feathered ones for bedding. Keep him away from dust prone areas like construction sites outside your home.

Step 2 - Reduce humidity. House dust mites usually thrive in humid environments. So, use a dehumidifier or an air conditioner. This will help maintain relative humidity in the air at about 50% or below.

Step 3 - Use an air purifier: Air purifier will help to remove floating dust mites that cause allergies. So use them in all the rooms in your house, especially in places where there is the possibility of maximum dust and house mites gathering.

Step 4 - Do dusting with a damp cloth: Do not use a dry cloth for cleaning, as this will stir up mite allergens. Use a damp mop or rag instead to remove dust.

Step 5 – Build your child’s immunity: Yes, the best way to fight allergies is by building your child’s immunity. It is his immunity that will help him fight dust allergies better and also keep asthma at bay.

Asthma treatment in homeopathy

The best way to build your child’s immunity is through homeopathy. Homeopathy focuses on boosting the body’s immune system which in turn reduces its hypersensitivity to allergens. Result? Your child reacts less aggressively to allergens. This will also reduce his risk of asthma.

Homeopathic treatment for dust allergy and asthma is long lasting and safe. It works to stimulate the weakened immune system of the child naturally. The benefit of using homeopathy is that it stops the recurrent episodes of disease.

So, don’t put your child at risk of suffering from side-effects of conventional medicines while treating him for allergic asthma. Instead treat him with natural and safe homeopathic medicines.

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