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Rotary Club hosts renowned homeopath Dr. Mukesh Batra as guest speaker


18th March 2011 – In a special meet hosted by Rotary Club of Bangalore Midtown, renowned homeopath, Dr. Mukesh Batra, who has over 37 years of clinical experience in homeopathy, shared fascinating insights on the principles and practice of holistic homeopathy. The special meet, at one of the most prestigious clubs in the country, saw an enthusiastic gathering of over 100 people today, seeking Dr. Batra’s advice on healthy living through homeopathy, a 250-year-old ‘young’ and rapidly-expanding medical science.

Dr. Batra’s enthralling speech highlighted the following pointers:
• While some systems of medicine regard an individual as composed of parts, or compartments, homeopathy treats each patient as one whole. 
• Homeopathy is a mind-body medicine, where the patient's physical, mental, emotional and psychological states are given prime importance. This is homeopathy’s holistic and ‘wholistic’ approach, i.e., treating the patient as a whole, and not treating only a particular tissue, organ, or system. 
• Homeopathy, was discovered, propounded and established in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, in the late 18th century. Homeopathy treats the root of the problem with ‘zero’ side-effects, while improving the body’s resistance and ensuring long-term healing results. 
• Both the curative effects and symptomatology of each medicine are tried out and proven only on healthy human beings, not on animals — this makes homeopathy uniquely reliable. 
• Homeopathy has a proven track-record in successfully treating ailments ranging from chronic respiratory diseases and skin ailments to psychosomatic problems. 
• There are no dietary restrictions. Homeopathy can be used, along with other forms of medicines.
• Homeopathic and allopathic treatments can co-exist. While allopathy (modern medicine) offers the same medicine or formula for the same disease, homeopathy offers several alternative remedies for each condition. 
• Homeopathy not only helps to restore the sick to health, it also offers a method of maintaining natural health and optimal well-being and preventing illness.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. Mukesh Batra, CMD & Founder, Dr Batra's™ Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd. said, “It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of this prestigious gathering here today. With the growing interest in alternative medicine, more and more people are exploring natural healthcare options. What they want is a mode of treatment that’s safe and effective. Homeopathy fits the bill perfectly. Homeopathy is expanding rapidly worldwide today. Recognising the market needs of the current millennium and the developments in homeopathic health care, Dr Batra's™ endeavours to be a trend-setting, world-class, globally-in-attendance homeopathic health clinic, offering high quality and high standard treatment to its patients, and enabling them to improve and maintain their health and well-being.”

Adding on Mr. Shashidhar Patil, President, Rotary Club of Bangalore Midtown stated, “Recent years have witnessed a paradigm shift from restorative medicine to prophylactic medicine, where the focus is on staying healthy. Also, since cost-cutting and staying healthy are a priority during recession, homeopathy is an ideal option. Dr Batra's™ has now become synonymous in prophylactic and therapeutic homeopathic treatment owing to its distinctive practices and competencies. It’s a great honour to have the pioneer of homeopathy in India, Dr. Mukesh Batra, amongst us here, today. On behalf of all the members of Rotary Club, I would like to thank him for sharing such wonderful insights on homeopathy with us.”

The homeopathic market is valued at Rs.12.5 billion with an annual growth rate of 25%, forming 14% of total alternative market with over 100 million users in India. The Government of India developed the homeopathic system of medicine by setting up Homeopathic Enquiry Committee way back in 1948; today, it’s accepted as one of the National Systems of Medicine. There are over 3,00,000 qualified homeopath practitioners, 7,500 government clinics, 307 hospitals, 180 teaching institutes affiliated to universities in India. A current survey in seven Indian cities revealed that 48% people trust homeopathy as the preferred choice of treatment.

Some famous patrons of homeopathy are Mahatma Gandhi, Tony Blair, Pope Pius X, Paul McCartney, Martina Navratilova, Boris Becker, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Whoopi Goldberg, Pamela Anderson, The Chili Peppers, Tina Turner, among others. In 2007, homeopathy, according to WHO, was the 2nd largest system of medicine with a growth rate of 20-25% every year. Homeopathy’s popularity is not limited to 80 countries, today; it is also increasingly receiving extended global acceptance.