Foods to Avoid During the Flu Season

Foods to Avoid During the Flu Season

Allergic Rhinitis
January 13, 2021 , Last updated: July 18, 2024

When you or a loved one have winter allergies or the seasonalflu, the last thing you may feel like doing, is eating. It’s absolutely fine to eat a little less with the flu symptoms, as you are likely to have a reduced appetite. However, you’ll need to eat the right balanced diet to provide you with energy and nutrients, while you recover with allergies and seasonal flu. According to a research study by The National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI), daily energy intake increases in patients recovering from seasonal allergies, most likely due to a reduced energy intake, during the antecedent allergy (previous or pre-existing to an allergy).

Understanding what to avoid eating during seasonalflu is just as important as what you should eat. If you really want to make sure you're doing everything you can to get rid of your cold allergy and the seasonal flu; keep reading further for a list of food you should avoid.

  1. Sugary food:

    Too much sugar can reduce the white blood cells, which increases the risk of developing allergies and other respiratory diseases. Sugar causes inflammation and can decrease your immunity due to weakening of white blood cells. These cells are responsible for fighting allergic reactions. Sodas, chemical beverages, candies, chocolates and cold drinks are some of the food you should avoid. Additionally, high saturated fat in chocolates, can increase skin inflammation and exacerbate a cold allergy and flu symptoms.


  2. Foods rich in histamine:

    Histamine is a chemical involved in the making and secreting stomach acid. It also helps the body fight various allergic reactions. But eating a histamine rich diet during severe allergies can have a negative impact on your health condition. It can induce the production of mucus, which can lead to respiratory diseases and allergic sinusitis. So, mayonnaise, dry fruits, peanuts, mushrooms, vinegar, bananas, spinach, soy sauce, pickles, strawberries, papaya, pineapple, fermented food, fish, yoghurt, eggplant and food that contain artificial preservatives should be strictly avoided.


  3. Dairy products:

    Dairy products such as, milk, cheese, ice-cream and yogurt may worsen or thicken the phlegm (mucus that lines our tissues) production. As, dairy products can thicken mucus, they can cause harmful allergens to stay in the immune system, longer. Additionally, fermented dairy products (butter milk) tend to have high histamine levels, meaning a potential increase in skin inflammation and a cold allergy.


  4. Caffeinated beverages:

    Items such as coffee, black tea, and soda can make you more dehydrated. The immune system works most efficiently when the body is well hydrated. Since, the caffeine in coffee is a diuretic (diuresis— increased production of urine), it can make you visit the loo, multiple times.


  5. Hard or jagged food::

    Crunchy crackers, chips, and granola with similar textures can aggravate the flu and sore throat allergy. The sharp pieces can be abrasive and uncomfortable, especially if you are already having trouble swallowing. Additionally, many granolas have high sugar contents, which can lead to skin inflammation and sinus allergy symptoms.


  6. Processed food:

    The more processed a food is, the fewer nutrients you’ll get, whether it’s from a fast-food joint ora ready-to- cook meal box. During the seasonalflu, your body is trying to heal itself, so it’s important to support this process with healthy, nutritious foods. Avoid processed food because they make the body more susceptible to a cold allergy and respiratory diseases.


  7. Meat:

    Meat contains a lot of protein, which can lead to the production of mucus. This can cause sore throat allergy and may lead to other respiratory problems. Moreover, it’s better to opt for fresh water fish and an organic meat to avoid nausea,stomach gastritis and inflammation of the stomach lining.

    Also read:

  8. Spicy food::

    Spicy food should be avoided during a cold allergy, especially with nasal allergy symptoms. The capsaicin(chemical compound) present in chillies aggravatesnasal allergies.


  9. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):

    It is a flavour enhancer commonly added to the Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. According to a research study by The Journal of Head and Face Pain, MSG allergy can trigger severe headache. If your head is already throbbing or you're prone to severe migraines, make sure to avoid this additive.


  10. Alcohol:

    If you're feeling under the weather, alcohol can take a huge toll on your immunity. Alcohol consumption can lower your immune system and causes dehydration. According to a research study by The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), drinking too much can hamper your immune system. Thus, making you more susceptible to severe allergies for up to 24 hours, after imbibing.

Eating the right food can support your body’s immune system and help relieve common food allergies.

Foods to Avoid During the Flu Season


Homeopathic Treatment for Seasonal Flu

A suitable homeopathic remedy may be all you need to terminate any allergy attack brought about by an exposure to winter allergy or other environmental allergies.Homeopathic medicines do not suppress acold allergy or flu symptoms, instead they enhance your active immunity response to the common cold viruses, infections and bacteria. Homeopathy is not only therapeutic; it also works as a useful preventative treatment for acold allergy. Hence, the next time you experience throat allergy symptoms or a runny nose, treat them with the best homeopathic allergy medicine.Homeopathic medicines are very effective when taken at the onset of these flu symptoms.Additionally, we highly recommended that you take the child or adult immunity evaluation test in order to assess the current state of your immune system.

A homeopathic doctorwill ask you a couple of questions regarding your diet, lifestyle pattern and overall personality to understand the root cause of your common allergy. After a thorough assessment of your general health, the homeopathy doctor will prescribe an appropriate homeopathic remedy that will naturally boost your immunity. You don’t need to worry about any side-effects as homeopathic medications provie natural allergy relief.Book an appointment with Dr Batra’s® at and let our homeopathic specialist guide you to stay healthy and keep the fluand winter allergyat bay.

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