Gestational Diabetes: The Pregnancy Complication

Gestational Diabetes: The Pregnancy Complication

February 6, 2017 , Last updated: April 23, 2024

Gestational diabetes cases are soaring, and you (as well as your baby) might be at risk without even knowing it. Find out what causes it and what all you can do to prevent complications during pregnancy. 

Pregnancy is a time of wonder and amazement - and a lot of bodily changes that seem to defy explanation. (Think of the bizarre cravings and food aversions. The weird skin and hair changes. Oh, and your feet will probably get bigger, too.) Many pregnant women experience hormonal mood swings, but for women diagnosed with diabetes - specifically called as ‘gestational diabetes’ - those nine months are packed with crazy blood glucose ups and downs.

Gestational Diabetes usually starts between week 24 and week 28 of pregnancy when the body does not produce enough insulin (the hormone that helps convert sugar into energy) to deal with the increased glucose, or sugar, that’s circulating in your blood to help your baby grow. One of the most common pregnancy complications, gestational diabetes affects one in 10 expectant women — and because it occurs more often among obese women, rates of Gestational Diabetes are increasing along with obesity rates. The good news: While the potential complications from untreated Gestational Diabetes are serious, the condition can be easily managed and treated with homeopathic medicines for diabetes — and as long as it’s diagnosed early and well controlled, it’s not harmful to you or your baby.

What causes Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes develops when your body isn’t able to produce enough of the hormone insulin during pregnancy. Insulin is necessary to transport glucose - what your body uses for energy - into the cells. Without enough insulin, you can build up too much glucose in your blood, leading to a higher-than-normal blood glucose level and perhaps gestational diabetes.

What increases the risk of getting Gestational Diabetes?

Any woman can develop gestational diabetes, but some women are at greater risk. Risk factors for gestational diabetes include:

  • Overweight and obesity before pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Prediabetes, meaning your blood glucose level is higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes
  • Family history of diabetes (if your parents or siblings have diabetes)
  • History of gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies
  • Age above 35.

Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes doesn’t often cause noticeable symptoms for the mother. Other types of diabetes (eg, type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes) do cause symptoms such as increased thirst, but that is hardly ever noticed in gestational diabetes.

Related: Know What Type Of Diabetes You Have

Because there aren’t often symptoms, it’s very important to be tested for a high blood glucose level when you’re pregnant. (Your doctor will most likely test you for gestational diabetes sometime between the 24th and 28th week.)

Complications of Gestational Diabetes

Most women who have gestational diabetes deliver healthy babies. However, gestational diabetes that's not carefully managed can lead to uncontrolled blood sugar levels and cause problems for you and your baby, including an increased likelihood of needing a C-section to deliver.

Gestational Diabetes can affect your baby at birth and right after birth in following ways –

  • Excessive birth weight - It may cause your baby to be very big and have extra fat. This can make delivery challenging or you may need a C-section to deliver safely
  • Early (preterm) birth - A mother's high blood sugar may increase the risk of early labor and delivering baby before its due date. Or your doctor may recommend early delivery because the baby is large.
  • Difficulty breathing - Babies born early may experience respiratory problem and they may need help breathing until their lungs mature and become stronger.
  • Low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) - Right after the baby is born, the blood glucose level may drop very low because they have so much insulin in their bodies (The extra glucose in your body actually stimulates the baby’s body to make more insulin.)
  • Type 2 diabetes - Babies born of mothers with gestational diabetes are at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Gestational diabetes may also increase the mother's risk of having high blood pressure and future diabetes (particularly type 2 diabetes). However, making healthy lifestyle choices such as eating healthy foods and exercising can help reduce the risk of future type 2 diabetes.

Treatment for Gestational Diabetes

According to a research published in the journal Diabetes Care, "the good news is that even if you have Gestational Diabetes, women can have a normal weighing baby, if their blood-glucose levels are kept in control under the clinical supervision".

So, if you are in the sixth month of your pregnancy, don't miss out on getting the test for high blood glucose level done, and take the necessary precautions in case Gestational Diabetes is detected. Till then, the least you can do is to follow a healthy diet routine with regular exercise after consulting a doctor. Homeopathy can be your best bet at this stage – when you’re expecting a baby, diagnosed with gestational diabetes and you don’t want to take any chance/risk with medications that can cause side-effects! And it’s wise to think twice before taking any medication during pregnancy period – all the expecting mothers want their babies to be safe and healthy. Homeopathy medicine for diabetes is not only safe for you; it is safe for your baby as well.


Homeopathic medicine for diabetes is made from natural substances and has no side-effects. For better results, it is always advisable to take homeopathic medicine for diabetes under the care and guidance of an expert homeopathic physician.

Self-help Tips

  • Eat healthy - Choose fresh foods. Avoid processed and packaged ones. Eat foods high in fiber and low in carbohydrate and fats. Concentrate on whole grain foods, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables.
  • Stay Active - Exercising before and during pregnancy helps protect against developing gestational diabetes. A 30-minute moderate workout on most days of the week is a must. If you cannot fit a 30-minute workout at a time, break it up into shorter smaller sessions.
  • Keep a check on your weight gain - Pregnancy is the time when the pounds pile on. Though it is said that a 10-12 kg weight gain during pregnancy is normal and expected, too much weight gain can only be a bad influence on your and baby's health.
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