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Hair loss is a significant issue affecting around 85% of the male and 50% of the female population worldwide. Owing to this, the quest for worthwhile hair restoration methods has been long and ongoing.

The XOGEN Treatment, an advanced exosome-based targeted hair treatment method, has emerged as an advanced solution. This revolutionary approach, which is safe and effective in using exosomes to stimulate natural hair growth and deliver lasting results, applies to all types of hair loss including hereditary hair loss.

Discover the future of hair regeneration with Dr Batra’s® XOGEN treatment and regain your confidence by revitalising your hair.

About Dr Batra's® XOGEN

  • Xogen Chekclist XOGEN is the world’s most advanced exosome-based hair growth treatment
  • Xogen Chekclist Treats all kinds of hair loss, from hormonal to hereditary
  • Xogen Chekclist Exosome formulations targets damaged hair follicles directly
  • Xogen Chekclist Promotes nutrient supply to hair follicles
  • Xogen Chekclist Uses power of 2 billion cells for safe, gentle and painless hair regeneration

Types of Hair Fall

The XOGEN hair treatment effectively combats all forms of hair loss. Losing hair can cause distress and pose other challenges to many. Understanding the type of hair loss is crucial to finding the appropriate treatment and management approach. The following sections discuss the common types of hair loss in men and women.

Types of Hairfall in Men

The common forms of hair fall observed in men include:

  1. Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness)


    This is the most prevalent form of hair loss in men. It first appears as a receding hairline, eventually leading to a balding crown. Androgenetic alopecia is mainly caused by genetic factors and the action of the DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone.

  2. Alopecia Areata


    It is an autoimmune condition in which the body mistakenly attacks its hair follicles. This leads to a sudden loss of hair in the scalp and/or body patches. The damage to the follicles can be permanent if left unaddressed.

  3. Traction Alopecia


    This form of hair loss is brought about by continuous tension on the hair from wearing tight hats and caps or hairstyles like men's ponytails and braids. It can be prevented by opting for gentler hairstyles and leaving the hair loose.

  4. Telogen Effluvium


    It is a temporary condition triggered by stress, illness, or nutritional deficiencies. Telogen effluvium shifts the body into survival mode, which focuses its energy and nutrients on the processes necessary for survival. Therefore, the hair follicles do not get enough nutrients and move into the resting phase (telogen), which eventually causes them to fall off prematurely.

Types of Hairfall in Women

The common forms of hair fall observed in women include:

  1. Androgenetic Alopecia (Female Pattern Baldness)


    It is the most prevalent form of hair loss in women, and it is characterised by a diffuse thinning of the hair on the scalp. Unlike men, pattern baldness in women is most noticeable along the hair part as it gradually widens. Hormonal changes and menopause usually trigger this condition.

  2. Alopecia Areata


    Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its hair follicles. The onset of this condition is sudden, and the hair falls in patches. It can affect women of all ages.

  3. Telogen Effluvium


    Telogen effluvium works the same in women as in men. As a result, females usually experience diffuse hair thinning, which generally regrows within six to twelve months. Women may experience this condition after childbirth, surgery, or severe stress.

  4. Traction Alopecia


    This is observed in women wearing tight hairstyles like ponytails, braids, and hair extensions or wearing tight hats. Opting for gentler hairstyles and gentle hair care methods can prevent hair fall.

Understanding the Root Causes of Hair Loss

Several factors can cause hair loss, each influencing your hair health differently. Understanding these factors is key to finding effective solutions. The following sections discuss some major causes of hair loss.

  1. Genetic Factors


    Genetics is the cause of about 98% of cases of hair loss in men and 50% of that in women. Androgenetic alopecia, also called male or female pattern baldness, is the most common genetic factor causing hair loss. The DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone can further worsen this.

  2. Hormonal Changes


    Hormonal imbalances or fluctuations can affect both men and women. However, they are more common among women during pregnancy and menopause or if they have thyroid disorders or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Hormonal fluctuations disrupt the hair growth cycle, causing hair thinning or shedding.

  3. Medical Conditions


    Medical conditions like autoimmune disorders, chronic illnesses, and scalp infections can also cause hair loss. Autoimmune diseases contributing to hair loss include alopecia areata, diabetes, and lupus. Chronic diseases like kidney, liver, and inflammatory bowel disease can cause hair loss due to the body's weakened state and nutritional deficiencies. Similarly, fungal infections like ringworm can damage hair follicles, leading to sudden, patchy hair loss.

  4. Nutritional Deficiencies


    Lack of essential vitamins and minerals, particularly iron, vitamin D, and zinc can weaken hair and cause it to fall out.

  5. Stress and Trauma


    Any significant emotional or physical stress or trauma can trigger telogen effluvium, a temporary form of hair loss. Physical stress from surgery or major illness can also shock the hair cycle, leading to temporary hair loss.

  6. Medications and Treatments


    Certain medications, like those for arthritis, cancer, depression, high blood pressure, and heart problems, can lead to hair loss as a side effect. Treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy also trigger hair fall. If you experience this, consider discussing alternative medication, treatment, or ways to manage the side effects with your doctor.

  7. Hairstyles


    Wearing tight hairstyles that continuously pull on the scalp can trigger traction alopecia.

  8. Environmental and Lifestyle Factors


    Contact with toxins, including chemicals and heavy metals, can damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Similarly, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact your hair health.

Benefits of Exosome Therapy for Hair Loss

Several studies have assessed the benefits of using exosomes for hair regeneration. These studies show that exosome therapy for hair loss is a safe and effective solution.

Some major advantages of using exosomes for hair loss include:

  • It introduces growth factors and signaling molecules that stimulate the hair follicles and promote natural hair growth.
  • Using exosomes for hair growth enhances the hair growth cycle, leading to thicker, fuller hair.
  • It is non-invasive and simply involves the absorption of exosomes into the scalp.
  • Exosomes are anti-inflammatory agents that reduce inflammation and offer a more favorable environment for hair growth. This especially benefits individuals who experience hair loss due to scalp conditions.
  • This method harnesses the body's natural healing mechanisms, reducing the risk of complications.
  • Hereditary hair loss was once considered untreatable, but this treatment provides an effective solution
  • The exosome therapy is relatively quick and requires minimal downtime.
  • It can provide long-lasting results by addressing the underlying causes of hair loss.
  • Exosome treatment for hair loss is versatile and can be used for different types of hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and alopecia areata in both men and women.
  • The recipients of this treatment also report improvement in hair quality, including stronger, thicker, and more voluminous hair.

The Science Behind XOGEN's Effectiveness

Dr Batra's® XOGEN treatment uses exosomes for hair growth. Exosomes are naturally secreted by the cells and are rich in proteins, lipids, RNA, and other bioactive molecules. They facilitate cellular communication, transfer genetic information, and regulate various biological processes.

Using exosomes for hair loss treatment stimulates the stem cells of the hair follicles. It prolongs the growth phase and reduces inflammation, creating a favourable environment for hair growth. Injecting exosomes into the target areas delivers growth factors and microRNAs that regulate gene expression, promoting hair follicle health and activity. By enhancing cellular signalling and protein transfer, exosomes support hair growth and improve hair quality.

Exosomes stimulate hair follicle stem cells, prolong the hair growth phase, and reduce inflammation, creating a favourable environment for hair growth. They deliver growth factors and microRNAs that regulate gene expression, promoting hair follicle health and activity. By enhancing cellular signalling and protein transfer, exosomes support hair regrowth and improve hair quality.

Why Choose XOGEN for Hair Loss Treatment?

Dr Batra's® XOGEN treatment stands out among all hair loss solutions due to its advanced exosome-based approach. XOGEN is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates natural hair growth and enhances scalp health. It treats all types of hair loss including hereditary hair loss. With minimal downtime and proven clinical results, it provides a safe and reliable solution for both men and women seeking to restore hair density and quality.

Book an XOGEN treatment test today for a risk-free, lasting, and natural-looking solution to your hair loss.

XOGEN Treatment vs. Traditional Hair Loss Treatments

Feature XOGEN Treatment Traditional Treatments
Mechanism Uses exosomes to stimulate the growth of hair follicles Often relies on topical medications or surgery
Treatment Type Non-invasive Invasive or minimally invasive
Components It uses naturally derived exosomes May use synthetic chemicals or medications
Side Effects Minimal to none Potential side effects include scalp irritation and surgical risks
Duration Quick procedure with minimal downtime Takes relatively longer
Effectiveness Stimulates natural hair growth with noticeable results Effectiveness varies; continuous measures might be required
Scalp Health Benefits Improves overall scalp health due to anti-inflammatory properties of exosomes Focuses primarily on hair follicle stimulation
Longevity Offers potential for continuous improvement in hair density and quality Results may vary; long-term maintenance may be required

How does it work?

05 Key icon Release of exosome: Application of growth factors to the scalp

04 Key icon Migration: Exosomes travel to specific targeted areas

03 Key icon Targeting: Exosomes focus on the damaged hair cells

02 Key icon Absorption: They are deeply absorbed into the hair follicles

01 Key icon Repair & Healing: They deliver nutrients, promoting repair and growth

Our treatment process


Comprehensive checkup

We conduct a detailed examination of your medical history and lifestyle factors. This also includes assessment of your Body Mass Index (BMI) and metabolism

Understanding the root cause

Understanding the
root cause

A detailed consultation is done which includes advanced diagnostic tests to identify the root cause of your condition

Personalized treatment plan

treatment plan

Your personalized treatment plan is created based on the diagnosis. The progress is regularly monitored and treatment is revised as per the outcome for faster visible results

Real results

Patient reviews


Dr Batra’s® XOGEN is an exosome-based targeted hair regeneration treatment that stimulates hair growth at the follicle level and gives faster and visible results. Exosomes are body cell components that contain 1,470 growth factors, coenzymes, proteins and genetic material that stimulate cellular repair and regeneration. They also promote hair regrowth, enhance hair quality, and improves scalp health. Unlike traditional treatments, XOGEN treats all kinds of hair loss, even the hereditary hair loss.
Yes, Dr Batra’s® XOGEN addresses all kinds of hair loss concerns, including hereditary hair loss, commonly known as androgenetic alopecia, which is often resistant to traditional hair loss treatments. Additionally, it targets telogen effluvium, a temporary shedding of hair due to stress or hormonal changes. This comprehensive approach ensures hair treatment for various types of hair thinning and scalp conditions.
During the treatment, exosomes are carefully released into the scalp through a
non-surgical procedure. After the exosomes are released, they penetrate the skin and reach the targeted areas, where they start their action to latch onto damaged hair cells. Later, they get absorbed into the hair follicles and release the growth factors and essential nutrients and promote regeneration and regrowth. In addition to promoting hair growth, they increase circulation in the scalp and reduce inflammation.
Exosome hair treatment offers several benefits, including:
  • Stimulates hair regeneration
  • Treats all kinds of hair loss
  • Reduced treatment time
  • Thicker and fuller hair
  • Non-surgical and painless
Hair loss treatment varies depending on individual factors such as the underlying cause, genetics and lifestyle. There are several effective options, including medications and lifestyle changes, but they may have major side effects. It is advisable to consider the treatments that targets root cause and are a combination of holistic and aesthetic hair treatments.
Stopping hair fall immediately is challenging. Knowing the root cause of hair loss, managing stress, eating well, and adopting good hair care habits can gradually reduce hair fall in the long term. With a unique approach to hair loss treatment, we at Dr Batra’s® combine the gentle power of homeopathy with advanced international hair treatments.
While there's no single "natural" cure to stop hair fall, some options promote natural regrowth. Scalp massages can improve circulation, and ensuring adequate intake of vitamins and minerals can contribute to healthier hair. Homeopathic remedies help to stimulate hair growth, strengthen follicles, and prevent hair loss.
Hair loss can have various reasons, including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, and certain underlying medical conditions. If you're experiencing significant hair loss, it's best to consult a hair specialist near you for treatment options. Following an in-depth consultation with our hair specialists, a personalized hair fall treatment is crafted to address your specific needs, ensuring tailored care and effective results at Dr Batra's®.
When it comes to controlling hair fall, Dr Batra's® offers personalized treatments tailored to your needs. With a success rate of 96.6% and over 1.5 million happy patients, we specialize in holistic hair regrowth treatments, including homeopathy and advanced aesthetic treatments. Visit our clinic to find the most suitable hair treatment recommended by our hair doctors.