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Allergone Food Allergy Treatment in Homeopathy

Scientifically Proven Homeopathy
Treatment for Allergies

FOOD | Respiratory | skin

Food Allergy treatment from Homeopathy Medicine

Food allergies are common allergic reactions in our body. When your immune system reacts to certain proteins in food, it can lead to an allergic reaction. Some commonly noticed symptoms of food allergies include:

Food Allergy Treatment

  • Low blood pressure
  • Swelling of the tongue, mouth, or face
  • Hives
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Itchy rashes
  • Difficulty in breathing

In severe cases of food allergies, it can lead to anaphylaxis (hypersensitive reaction to protein or drugs).

Antibody Food Allergies

Food allergies are divided into two main types that include IgE antibody and Non-IgE antibody.

Antibodies are a blood protein that help your immune system fight infections after recognizing them. In IgE food allergies, your immune system releases the IgE antibody to fight the infection.

In a non-IgE food allergy, your immune system uses other parts of the body to fight the infection without releasing the non-IgE antibody.

IgE Mediated Food Allergy Symptoms

People may notice symptoms that include:

  • Tingling and itching in the mouth
  • Swelling in the face, mouth, throat, and other areas of the body
  • Hay fever symptoms (sneezing or itchy eyes)
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Hives
  • Nausea or vomiting

Non IgE Mediated Food Allergy Signs

These allergies can take several days to show up. The symptoms may include:

  • Redness and itchy skin (hives)
  • Vomiting with or without diarrhea
  • Atopic eczema
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Constipation
  • Excessive and uncontrollable crying in babies

Types of Food Allergy Reactions

  1. Egg Allergy – In egg allergies, your immune system reacts to protein contents in the egg white or yolk. The symptoms in this type of allergy can show up immediately.
  2. Meat Allergy – This is an uncommon food allergy caused by the consumption of Beef, Pork, Goat, Whale, and Seal. If you feel nauseated or develop rashes on the skin after eating meat, it is advisable to get it checked by an expert.
  3. Shellfish Allergy – The crustacean group (shrimp, lobster, and crab) can cause allergic reactions in the body. The consumption of lobster, crab or any other shellfish can lead to symptoms like hives, stomach aches, or itching around your mouth.
  4. Fish Allergy – Hives, nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, headaches, or asthma can be symptoms caused by the consumption of finned fish (halibut, salmon and tuna), or shellfish (Crab, shrimp and lobster).
  5. Milk Allergy – Milk is said to be the best source of bone strength. But, it is also the most common allergy seen in people. You may notice symptoms that include an upset stomach, hives, bloody stools, or vomiting in this type of food allergy.
  6. Peanut Allergy – Peanut allergies can lead to a life-threatening allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis. It may cause an issue with breathing, a drop in blood pressure, a swollen throat, and pale or blue lips. If you notice any such reactions after the consumption of peanuts, get yourself treated by a professional.
  7. Soy Allergy – In soy allergies, the symptoms may include a clogged or running nose, stomach aches, and rash. It is first seen in infants; as soy is a common ingredient used in infant formulas. Some children may outgrow the allergic reactions by childhood.
  8. Wheat Allergy – If you notice symptoms like hives or a skin rash, sneezing, and a stuffy or running nose due to bread, pasta or cereal, you may have a wheat allergy. You can be at greater risk if both your parents have allergic diseases like eczema or asthma.
  9. FPIES Allergy – Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome is a non-IgE mediated food allergy with common triggers that include cow’s milk, soy, and grains (oats, barley, rice). A severe reaction to this type of allergy can lead to a drop in energy levels, body temperature change, and low blood pressure that can cause hospitalization. Infants with this allergy might have poor growth or be diagnosed with failure to thrive.


It is a severe food allergic reaction with symptoms like tight chest, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, and swelling in the mouth or throat. Anaphylaxis can become life-threatening if it’s not treated in time.

Homeopathy for Food Allergies

According to the Homeopathy research institute, over 200 million people worldwide use homeopathy on a regular basis as a solution to their health problems. Homeopathic medicines help to boost your immunity system to fight against allergens and reduce allergic reactions in the body. Homeopathic treatments target the underlying cause of your allergy giving you long-term and in-depth solutions.

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What is a food allergy?

When your immune system gets sensitized to selected food items, it can lead to an allergic reaction. Some food allergies seen in people include:
  • Milk allergy
  • Shellfish allergy
  • Fish allergy
  • Meat allergy
  • Wheat allergy
  • Allergy to grains (oats, barley rice)

What is the difference between food allergy and food intolerance?

Food intolerance has no connection with your immune system, whereas food allergy reactions are triggered by the immune system.
Food intolerance can have its effects on your quality of life but is not life-threatening. Food allergies on the other hand can lead to Anaphylaxis that is life-threatening and needs to get timely treatment to avoid any further damage to your body.

What are the most common food allergens?

The most common food allergy seen in people include an allergy to cow’s milk, shellfish, fish, meat, wheat, eggs, soy, and peanuts.

What are the symptoms of a food allergy reaction?

Food allergy is very common among individuals today. Here are the commonly noticed food allergy symptoms:
  • Low blood pressure
  • Swelling of the tough, mouth, or face
  • Hives
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Itchy rashes
  • Difficulty in breathing

How much of a food allergen does it take to cause a reaction?

A trace amount can also have reactions on some people but, the most common cause of allergic reaction is ingestion.

Which are the most common causes of food allergy?

The common causes of food allergy are the consumption of food items that your immune system is sensitive to, these include:
  • Milk
  • Shellfish
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Wheat
  • Grains (oats, barley rice)
  • Peanuts
  • Egg

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