सितंबर 29,2009

Homeopathy brought back the confidence of a 34-year-old marketing executive suffering from balding.

Case Studies: Homeopathy Brought Back the Confidence of a 34-Year-Old Marketing Executive Who Suffered from Balding

Male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia is a common form of hair…

सितंबर 10,2009

Rheumatoid arthritis rendered this old man bed-ridden but homeopathy set him free.

Rheumatoid arthritis rendered this old man bed-ridden but homeopathy set him free.

After he recovered from an attack of cerebral malaria, Ratan Bajaj (name changed) started developing…

अप्रैल 23,2012

Homeopathic treatment not only cured his bronchitis, it also made him an ardent follower.

Homeopathic treatment not only cured bronchitis, it also made an ardent follower.

Sushmita (name changed) a 33-year-old female suffered from systemic sclerosis since 7 years. In the past…

दिसम्बर 08,2012

Homeopathy treatment cured dengue, bestowing her with overall wellbeing.

Homeopathy treatment cured dengue, bestowing her with overall wellbeing.

45-year-old Manju (name changed) came to us two years ago with symptoms of bronchial asthma. After two years of…

दिसम्बर 26,2009

Patchy hair loss (alopecia) had caused a lot of anxiety to this young lawyer who approached us for treatment.

Reema (name changed) was all of 26 years and practicing law when she noticed some bald patches coming up on her scalp. She was also losing a lot of hair in general since a year. Filled with…