Home care for Vitiligo

Home care for Vitiligo

July 21, 2018 , Last updated: July 4, 2024

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder. It destroys the pigment-making cells /color giving cells of the skin to produce milky white patches.

  • Say Hello to Sunshine:

    Expose the affected areas to early morning sunlight i.e. just as soon as the sun rises as it consists of ultraviolet A-rays (320-400nm) which stimulate pigment-forming cells (melanin). However, ultraviolet rays are harmful when at their peak between 10 am to 4 pm. To avoid getting out in the sun during these hours or use a sunscreen with SPF 30 which guards against sunburns.

  • Soap Opera:

    Use a mild preferably glycerin based soap for bathing. Do not rub the towel vigorously on the skin as this could cause friction on the skin and trigger vitiligo.

  • Dress Code:

    Any kind of trauma/ friction can trigger vitiligo. Choose full sleeve cotton shirts and full-length cotton trousers to protect elbows and knees from friction.

  • Scintillating:

    Avoid direct contact with deodorants and perfumes. Spray on clothes rather than directly on the skin. Cosmetic camouflage using stains or makeup is acceptable for some patients particularly those with a limited involvement in exposed areas.

Vitiligo Evaluation Test


Recommended Diet for patients suffering from Vitiligo

  1. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables of different colors, as they are a rich source of photochemical and antioxidants, which help in the formation of new pigment.
  2. Foods like celery, figs, limes, carrots, parsley, and mustard are called “Psoralens” or “Photosensitizes”. They are helpful for patients with Vitiligo
  3.  Consume foods like carrots, broccoli, apricots, papaya, mangoes, pumpkins at least once a day so that you get your daily quota of Vitamin A
  4.  A copper-rich diet is recommended; green leafy vegetables like spinach, Sesame seeds (known as Til) must be taken at breakfast.
  5. Pantothenic acid helps in forming new melanin and essential for copper absorption. Increase intake of Spinach, curd, eggs, and lentils
  6. Iodine rich foods like fish (limited intake), spirulina help nourish the thyroid gland. Though fish to be moderately consumed as it can cause allergy.
  7. Zinc and copper are important in helping the body make thyroid hormone – Oats, chicken, dried beans, bran, spinach, nuts, and seeds are good sources of Zinc.
  8. Include copper-rich foods like eggs, yeast, legumes, nuts and seeds, raisins in the diet.
  9. Use iodized salt in daily cooking.
  10. Avoid red meat, chocolates, and processed food.
  11. Restrict your intake of white sugar.
  12. Avoid foods like soybean, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, as they may hinder the Iodine metabolism.
  13. Do not add extra salt to prepared food.
  14. Avoid bakery products and products which contain high amounts of salt like Papad and pickles.
  15. Practice de-stressing techniques to reduce stress  like yoga and meditation
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