Homeopathic treatment to help in Child’s Growth Problems

Treatment for Delayed, Abnormal & Slow Growth in Children in Homeopathy

Child Health
May 23, 2018 , Last updated: July 4, 2024

Is your child rooted in the front row of every class picture with the smaller kids? You may wonder, 'Is my child growing normally?' Don't worry. You’re not alone. It is common for parents to feel a bit anxious seeing their child growing slowly in comparison to other kids of similar age. All you need to do is identify the problem at the right time and take necessary steps to help your child grow to his or her full potential.

You can take help of our homeopathic doctor to deal with child growth issue and other health problems. Homeopathy addresses the root cause of disorder and provides a safe, holistic, and effective treatment. Our team of homeopathic doctors at Dr Batra's® comprises of experienced medical professionals trained in pediatric gastroenterology, nutrition, and psychology and they have achieved patient satisfaction rate of 96.8% in treating child health problems. To take their advice, you can follow this link book an appointment

Physical growth of children

During infancy and childhood, there are many important physical and developmental changes that take place. Below given are few facts for child growth development -

  • The head size of babies at 2 years of age is about 80% of the adult size.
  • By 4 months of age, babies usually weigh twice as much as their birth weight.
  • By 1 year of age, the average baby will likely weigh about 3 times as much as at birth.
  • Infants typically grow about 10 inches (25 cm.) during the first year, and height at 5 years is about double the birth length.
  • In boys, half the adult height is attained by about age 2. In girls, height at 19 months is about half the adult height.
  • During the toddler years, the growth rate slows to a steady pace and your baby’s adorably chubby arms, legs and belly slim down.
  • Puberty is the second big growth spurt in a child’s life, with the largest height gains between ages of 10 and 14 for girls and 12 and 16 for boys.

Please keep in mind that each child is unique. Some babies will grow at a faster rate while others grow at a slower rate. You should not compare one child to another.

Read more: Strengthen Your Li'l One's Immune System With Homeopathy

Factors that determine child growth

There are several factors why a child may not be growing as fast as his or her classmates or siblings. These factors can range from genetics to poor nutrition to certain diseases, e.g. conditions affecting the digestive system including gastroesophageal reflux (GER), chronic diarrhea, cystic fibrosis, chronic liver disease, and celiac disease. It may even be that a child's body is sensitive to certain foods, which is called food intolerance. For example, milk protein intolerance means the body can't absorb foods that have milk proteins, such as yogurt and cheese, which could lead to failure to thrive.

Click here to know more about Poor Child Growth

Sometimes, parents don't pay enough attention to their children's hunger cues or can’t afford enough food leading to poor child growth issues. You would be surprised to know that more than one-third of the world's malnourished children live in India!

Homeopathic treatment to help in Child’s Growth Problems Even changes in current societies are affecting childhood experiences. Busy families cooking at home rarely and eating out often, kids spending less time actively playing outside, and more time watching TV, playing video games, many schools eliminating or cutting back their physical education programs – all these factors hamper natural growth in children and affect their overall development.
development. That is why it is so important to take your children to the doctor for regular checkups to make sure they are growing at the appropriate rate. Because once their growth plates in bones close, they won’t experience any further growth.

Homeopathic help for child growth

As parents, it is obvious to be concerned about the safety of treatment administered to children. If you want a safe and holistic treatment for your child’s health issues, you can take homeopathy.

With homeopathy, you do not have to worry about the side-effects of medicines. They are completely safe for children of all ages and are made up of natural sources like plants and minerals. In the long run, homeopathic medicines improve immunity and decrease the tendency of infections in children. Homeopathic medicines also enhance food absorption in children naturally, which promotes growth and development.

A 15-year-old boy got benefitted with homeopathy treatment for stunted growth

Roshan approached us at the age of 15 when everyone around him was growing bigger and stronger. His height seemed to have slowed down in recent years. Although being small has no effect on his intelligence, it started affecting his self-esteem and confidence. He was advised Growth Hormone Treatment by the previous doctor but his parents were doubtful of the treatment as it may cause possible side-effects like allergic reaction including hives, joint pain, headache, premature puberty, and temporary increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, he started taking homeopathic treatment personalized for him. To his surprise, it showed considerable improvement in his height and overall development.

You can also take our homeopathic doctor's help for your child growth issues. Knowing that each child and family is unique, our homeopathic doctors take a holistic approach and always consider growth, physical and emotional development, and age-related social issues as they develop the homeopathic treatment plan for your child.


If you want to assess the current state of your child's health and know about the scope of improvement with homeopathy treatment, you can take this child health evaluation test.

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