Homeopathy & Alcohol Dependence

Homeopathy Treatment
August 21, 2017 , Last updated: June 26, 2024

There is no reason to drink alcohol.  Yet, many people drink it. That alcohol triggers significant health risks, including legal issues and relationship problems is passé, but most people who drink heavily brush aside its after-effects. Nor the ‘hole’ it creates in one’s purse, or credit card.

Remember the first time you tried alcohol? You tried to stop yourself from the sickening bouts of vomiting. It was your body’s tell-tale response that it cannot ‘stomach’ alcohol. Your defence systems sounded the alarm bell, because you drank something that damages your vital organs.  Yet, the next thing you did was compel yourself to drink enough; so, you silenced the alarm bell.

You convinced yourself that alcohol was okay.  You joined the ‘collective denial bandwagon’ about the ‘enjoyable’ realities of alcohol use. You believed it, again, because alcohol tricks your subconscious mind. 

The rest is disastrous, because the moment your subconscious connects alcohol with pleasure, it pleads and works day-in and day-out — to get more. The more, the merrier.


  • Alcohol leads to loss of co-ordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses and also blackouts
  • Alcohol can damage every organ in the body. It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream and leads to a variety of life-threatening diseases, including cancer
  • Drinking during pregnancy could be dangerous — it can significantly amplify the chance of one having a baby with foetal alcohol syndrome. Characteristics of the syndrome include a small head, possible brain damage, irregular facial features, poor muscle tone and speech, sleep disorders, including stunted growth and development
  • Alcohol affects self-control; it depresses the central nervous system [CNS], lowers inhibition and impairs judgment
  • It can lead to dangerous behaviour, including unprotected sex. This may expose such individuals to HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases [STD], or unwanted pregnancy
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol can lead to coma, or even death
  • Alcohol can interfere with medical treatment and other health protocols. It can flare up, or worsen, skin problems like psoriasis
  • Drunken driving can lead to road accidents and deaths. Teenagers who drink alcohol have an increased risk of car crashes, accidents, or violence
  • Alcohol can ‘hurt’ others emotionally and professionally — even if they're not drinkers — in the family, or at the workplace.
  • Alcohol can kill.


Homeopathy can help augment one’s ‘will power.’ It can help ease and beat one’s craving for alcohol, while relieving withdrawal symptoms — this can range from mild tremors to delirium tremens and seizures — safely.

The unique benefits of professional homeopathic treatment is it strengthens the person's overall mindset and constitution, so that they are not only less physically drawn or addicted to alcohol, but they also feel stronger emotionally and less socially addicted to what ‘addiction’ represents for them.

Homeopathy is keyed to the individualised, or customised, approach, where a homeopathic remedy is selected on the basis of one’s personality, temperament, sensitivities, sensibilities and idiosyncrasies. It has the potential to reinforce individuals physically and psychologically, while helping them to tide over the problem of alcohol use and also giving up the habit for the good.

For the best and most profound results, a professional homeopathic doctor, who can ‘zero-in’ on the right homeopathic constitutional remedy for the individual — because, each of us is different and unique in both health and illness, or with the alcohol problem — should be consulted.


  • Get in touch with self-help groups, share knowledge, experience and ideate corrective solutions with others who have been through the same experience and overcome their alcohol problems. This will boost your confidence and mental strength to avoid going back to alcohol
  • Deep breathing can be a useful technique, especially when alcohol cravings become strong
  • Be positive. This will help lift your will power
  • Surround yourself with people who are naturally happy and always see the bright side of life or things
  • Exercise regularly, or join a gym. Exercise helps to surge your body with endorphins, or feel-good chemicals
  • Relax with a nice, rejuvenating body massage
  • Listen to soft, relaxing music, unwind with a book, or a watch your favourite comedy show — to keep the urge to drink alcohol at bay.
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