Homeopathy: Best treatment for Vitiligo

Homeopathy: Best treatment for Vitiligo

January 30, 2021 , Last updated: July 17, 2024

Are you embarrassed, depressed or worried about your skin losing its colour in patches of irregular shapes and sizes? Well, this skin disorder is called vitiligo aka leucoderma. This is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the pigment-producing cells) in the skin get destroyed. This results in the development of white spots on skin. It affects 2-3% of people around the world. (Source: Research Gate)

What causes vitiligo?

Vitiligo resembles an autoimmune disorder. This means that the pigment (the matter that gives colour to our skin) producing cells of the skin are destroyed by the body’s own antibodies (defense cells). In some cases, it has been observed that the onset of vitiligo is related to a psychologically traumatic event in the patient’s life. If you have a family history of vitiligo then you are more prone to develop these white patches. 95% of all those who develop vitiligo, start developing symptoms before the 40th year of their life. (Source: Medicine Net)

Other factors that are more common with those suffering from vitiligo:

  • Presence of other autoimmune disorders
  • History of sunburns, outbreaks and other skin conditions
  • Grey hair before the age of 35

(Source: Research Gate)

Symptoms of vitiligo

Vitiligo patients develop white patches on the skin of uneven forms and sizes. Vitiligo is more common on the exposed areas like hands, face, neck and arms. It also occurs on covered areas like genitals, breast and legs. And in the inside of the mouth, white discoloration might occur.

The spread of vitiligo cannot be determined. It might stop totally after the first patch but often these patches do spread. For some patients, further development might take years. For others, the large areas will be covered within months. In some patients, mental stress causes an increase in the growth of these white patches.

Read More: Can vitiligo turn you completely white?

Homeopathy for vitiligo

According to homeopathic philosophy, vitiligo isn’t a disease in itself but an expression of an inner disturbed state of the body. Thus, the treatment should be at a level where things have gone wrong. Homeopathy treatment enhances the natural production of pigments. The patient is analysed on various aspects of mental, physical and familial attributes and also a complete study of case history is done. The prescription is then based at the deepest level of understanding the patient’s distressed inner force.

Homeopathy: Best treatment for Vitiligo


14 vitiligo patients were assessed and provided customized homeopathy treatment. 35.7% of these patients experienced moderate relief or improved completely. (Source: NCBI)

Calcarea Carbis a homeopathic medicine for vitiligo. It is prescribed to vitiligo patients with milky white patches on skin. Nevertheless, do not ever self-medicate. Consult an expert homeopathic doctor. He/she would prescribe the right medication for your skin condition.

At Dr Batra’s®, we have treated over 45,000 skin cases successfully. Thus, we can ensure a safe solution for vitiligo. The treatment is primarily aimed to stop or slow down the further destruction of melanocytes and stimulate re-pigmentation in the existing patches. Our team of expert homeopathic doctors, dermatologists and nutritionists work in accord to make sure the best for each case.

Book an appointment with our skin doctors for effective and safe vitiligo treatment which gives long-lasting relief with zero side-effects.

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