Homeopathy corrects external problems from the core

Homeopathy Treatment heals Core External Problem

Skin Ailments
December 15, 2021 , Last updated: April 9, 2024

HOMEOPATHY has, for long, emphasized the injurious effects of suppressing skin disorders with external medications. This was previously dismissed as baseless by conventional dermatologists. Today, they grudgingly accept the possibility.

A skin eruption, homeopathy suggests, is essentially an external manifestation of the body's internal turmoil. It mirrors a condition where the body's immune system is waging a battle and pet-forming well under pressure. It also signifies, in spite of the awkward manifestation showing on the skin, that the body has protected itself, although it has not resolved the problem completely.

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It needs time. Most often, we don't give our body adequate time to handle things. On the other hand, we rush to the local chemist and dab our skin with over-the-counter (OTC), creams and ointments. We have, in so doing, meddled with our body's natural attempt to drive out the problem from within. Worse still, in our haste, we have pushed the problem in-wards to a deeper, more damaging level.

Take, for instance, the relationship between atopic dermatitis, or eczema and asthma. When eczema is suppressed with synthetic creams and ointments, asthma may appear with rapid intensity. When asthma is suppressed, eczema may resurface.

Homeopathy corrects external problems from the core

Homeopathy Medicines

It is a vicious cycle. Homeopathy uses medicines made from natural substances that actually cause ' Illness' in large doses, but in micro-doses stimulates the body's own defenses, or immune forces to throw, or ward, off the illness. In other words, homeopathy treats the external problem, for instance, a skin eruption, with an internal medicine. This is quite unlike conventional medical practice, where an external problem for example, eczema — is treated primarily from the outside, not from the "inside out.

Study on Complementary Therapies

A study published in complementary therapies in medicine reported that homeopathy was clinically effective in eczema. A six-year study of patient outcomes, conducted at the Bristol Homoeopathic Hospital, UK, found that 82 percent of eczema patients felt "better" or "much better" with homoeopathic treatment.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow, UK, have, likewise, found that. 80 percent of patients who received homoeopathic treatment, in conditions such as asthma or allergies, had significant relief of symptoms within the first week of treatment, without any flare-ups or side-effects.

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