Homeopathy: Natural Treatment for Eczema

Homeopathy: Natural Treatment for Eczema

March 9, 2021 , Last updated: September 6, 2024

For people, suffering from eczema, nothing would рlеаѕе them more than getting rid of their eczema forever. It can affect sleep quality, productivity at school or work, and even mental fitness and social life. According to National Eczema Association (NEA), eczema’s negative impact on the psychological state ranks greater than that for patients with diabetes, heart; disease, and high blood pressure.

Eczema is an immunological disease, which means it involves the immune system. When you’re suffering from eczema, the immune system is very sensitive and reacts to even the smallest allergens or irritants. It develops because of genetic and environmental factors that; make it; difficult for the skin to maintain a healthy barrier. This can cause inflammation underneath the skin and lead to frequent flare-ups. This leads to skin rashes on the surface which is only the visible sign of a deeper inflammatory disease.

Also read: https://www.drbatras.com/skin-diseases/eczema-causes

Symptoms of Eczema Skin Disease

Symptoms for an eczema patient are painful, embarrassing, and саn lead to bleeding, cracked skin. The nеаr uncontrollable itching оftеn leads to scarring of the affected areas and presumably spreads the outbreak to unaffected areas of the skin.The most common symptoms of eczema include:

  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Oozing and crusting
  • Red, scaly patches of skin
  • Rough, leathery skin

Eczema affects people of all ages and can cause misery. It generally starts in childhood (before age five); however, some individuals develop it later in life. In infants and children, the rash usually occurs on the scalp, knees, elbows, and cheeks. Whereas in adults, the rash can occur on the creases of wrists, ankles, elbows, face, knees, and neck.

Scratch marks typically occur because of the fretful nature of the rash. If one has this rash for a longer period, there are chances of the affected skin becoming thicker. Dry skin can aggravate the itching and the rash. An “itch-scratch cycle” can occur with rubbing or scratching the skin causing skin irritation, resulting in additional itching.

Homeopathy: Natural Treatment for Eczema

Treatment of Eczema Skin Disease

Doctors often prescribe a steroidal cream, which for many people doesn’t invariably do the trick. There are alternatives you can adopt to ease the terrible itching and blistering.

Mentioned below are a few natural/home remedies that may assist in your lifelong battle with eczema:

  1. Improve your diet:

    While dealing with a condition like eczema, it is important to remember that the skin is the body's largest organ of elimination - this implies that whatever you intake may be reflected on the outside, as the skin excretes waste.


  2. Eliminate milk and dairy products:

    Cow's milk is presumably the main dietary trigger for eczema, so it is worth cutting it out of your diet (at least temporarily) to understand if you notice an improvement. Cow's milk can be quite acidic and is often loaded with hormones and chemicals which negatively impact the immune system and elevate eczema severity.


  3. Take natural supplements:

    Ideally, individuals get all the vitamins and nutrients they need from their diet, however, in reality, this is rarely the case. Fortunately, there are plenty of dietary supplements you can take to help in the battle against eczema.


  4. Wear non-irritating clothing:

    The clothes you wear are in contact with your skin all day long; brushing, rubbing, and; even chafing the skin. Wearing more layers tends to worsen eczema, which is noticeable in winter.


  5. Drink a lot of water:

    Aim to drink eight glasses of water each day to prevent irritation. And if you are active, ensure you're drinking even more.


  6. Minimize stress:

    Eczema and other skin conditions have been strongly linked to stress, both psychological and physical, thus taking some time out and; working on stress-relief can be extremely beneficial. Different eczema treatments such as visualization and hypnotherapy; have; been suggested as methods of reducing stress.


  7. Take warm baths:

    A warm bath - containing added eczema-soothing ingredients - can be very effective in easing itchiness and relieving pain. Remember that hot water can worsen eczema symptoms, so keep the temperature in the lukewarm to warm range.

Other types of skin rashes such as psoriasis and contact dermatitis can look like an eczema rash; therefore it is important to consult an allergist/immunologist about your rash. In addition, people with various other low immunity and nutritional deficiencies can have a similar rash. The ultimate diagnosis of eczema should be made by your allergist/immunologist.

Homeopathy Treatment for Eczema

Homeopathy focuses on treating disease and also curing the root cause of the problem. The homeopathic medicines are made from natural plant sources and therefore are more effective and have no side effects at all. The approach of homeopathy eczema treatment is holistic and can assist in preventing any further deterioration of health due to eczema.

In the first consultation, a homeopath gathers information about the symptoms; not just the chief complaint (which may be eczema), but also past and present problems such as allergies, asthma, headaches, etc. This information is arranged into a whole picture of the patient’s health so that the most fitting natural remedy can be prescribed.

Homeopathic remedy is prescribed on an individual basis depending not only on the eczema symptoms but on the person’s other symptoms and the overall state of being. In homeopathic treatment for eczema, both the mental and physical spheres of the patient are investigated in-depth while prescribing the homeopathic medicine for eczema. No two individuals would be suggested to take the same medication.

According to Central Research Institute for Homeopathy, homeopathic medicines can work as similibiotics, which means they can induce the immune system of the host, just like bacteria, and therefore can cure patients.

Also read: https://www.drbatras.com/skin-diseases/eczema-treatment-in-homeopathy

At Dr Batra's®, we have successfully treated thousands of cases of eczema in the last 35 years. So, if you are suffering from eczema, please consult Dr Batra’s® homeopathy doctors to get safe and long-term relief from eczema.

Additionally, we highly recommend you take the eczema evaluation test in order to assess the current state of your skin disease. Dr Batra’s® has achieved a 93% success rate for treating eczema rash, as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors. Book an appointment with Dr Batra’s® homeopathy specialist as soon as you notice skin eczema symptoms.

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