Homeopathy offers safe and natural acne vulgaris treatment

Homeopathy offers safe and natural acne vulgaris treatment

October 19, 2019 , Last updated: October 7, 2024

Getting acne is irritating and embarrassing enough. Isn’t it? Although not a serious health condition, acne scars can be a cause of the continuous feeling of low self-esteem and confidence levels. And the thought of scars being left behind by acne can even lead to sleepless nights!

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases which are a result of inflammation of sebaceous glands present in the skin. It can appear in various forms on the skin like small red-colored elevations called papules, eruptions containing pus which is called pustules, a fluid containing deep sacs like eruptions called cysts, or thick, hard eruptions called nodules.

Read on to know the medical causes and other environmental factors of acne. Also, learn more about how homeopathy offers safe and natural acne vulgaris treatment.

Medical causes and other environmental factors of acne

The medical causes of acne are as follows.

  • Periods:The probability of having an acne breakout just before your menstrual cycle is common.
  • Pregnancy: Many women have symptoms of acne during pregnancy time which is usually during the first 3 months of their pregnancy.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome: A common condition that can cause acne which is a condition where weight gain and the formation of small cysts inside the ovary happen.

Other environmental factors are as follows.

  • Pollution: Exposure to oil and grease can clog pores and lead to acne.
  • Weather: The weather can also have an effect on the skin. Heat and humidity can increase oil production. Even cold weather can stress the skin and cause acne breakouts. Are you wondering how? During winter, wind and low humidity levels can cause surface dehydration. When your skin’s moisture is not replaced, then its defense is to produce more oil which can lead to clogged pores and acne flare-ups.
  • Sun: The sun is another environmental factor that can cause acne. It might seem like small amounts of sun exposure help your acne. Nevertheless, prolonged sun exposure increases the shedding of dead cells on your skin’s surface. This can cause plugged pores which ultimately become blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. Heavy sun blocks can also be an acne culprit as they form a film on the skin. Thiscan increase the temperature inside your hair follicles, creating small pimple-like bumps.

Role of homeopathy in treating acne

Conventional treatment offers acne solutions. But they may leave acne scars and other side effects like not correcting underlying disease. But homeopathy is the best acne vulgaris treatment as homeopathy helps to correct the root cause of acne and offers safe and natural treatment.Homeopathy has proven effective in the treatment of acne as it treats the root cause and promotes healthy skin. With no side effects, natural homeopathic treatment can effectively and gently cure acne scars.

Homeopathy has anextensivearray of natural medicines to deal with the problem of acne scars. Homeopathic medicines for acne work within, in a very placid and effective way, without any severe external applications.

The natural homeopathic remedies which are completely safe are prescribed taking into view the mental and physical makeup of the patient along with the skin symptoms. Acne scars can be treated in the most gentle and mild way with the help of natural homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy offers long term cures for prevention of acne formation, by targeting the root causes or triggers that cause it. It treats the causes for hormonal fluctuations and also helps reduce acute symptoms of acne.

Read More: Scope of homeopathy in the treatment of acne


You can take the skin evaluation test in order to assess the current state of your acne. It is strongly recommended to book an appointment with your homeopath in case of severe acne. So, what are you waiting for? Visit your nearest homeopathy clinic as soon as you notice symptoms

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