"Holistic healthcare remains a very big attraction. Best of the doctors are moving towards Homeopathy."
Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India

"I have used Homeopathy for my asthma and other ailments."
Amitabh Bachchan
Indian Film Actor

"I was always scared of needles and injections; I still prefer a Homeopathy doctor. Thanks to Dr. Mukesh Batra for taking the therapy world over."
M. S. Dhoni
Indian Cricketer

"I believe in Homeopathy. Would like to extend a big thanks to Dr Batra's™ team for doing a great job."
Shah Rukh Khan
Indian Film Actor
"I have benefited a lot from Dr Batra's™ treatment, it has improved my skin substantially."
Indian Flim Actor Social Activist

"Homeopathy treatment is indispensable for its easy approach, effectiveness and low cost."
Mother Teresa
Saint Teresa

"I am the doctor of our family and I'm a big fan of homeopathy. I always Make sure I have it on me or in the medical kit. It works."
Model & Actress

"I patronize Homeopathy. I have always used it for my family."
Queen Elizabeth
United Kingdom