Dr Batra’s XOGEN

From Hormonal To Hereditary: How Dr Batra’s XOGEN Can Restore Your Hair, No Matter The Cause

Hair Loss
May 16, 2024 , Last updated: August 8, 2024

Hair loss is more common than one might think. According to a study published in the International Journal of Trichology, approximately 50% of men and 40% of women aged over 30 in India experience hair loss. It is more than just a cosmetic concern, it affects our self-esteem and confidence on so many levels. 

Similarly, finding an effective treatment for thinning hair or baldness can be frustrating. But what if we tell you that there is a hair fall treatment that can address all your hair loss issues.

This article explains how the world’s most advanced exosome-based hair treatment fights against all kinds of hair loss from hormonal to hereditary, addressing every possible cause and offers faster and better results.

Table of Content [hide]
  1. From Hormonal To Hereditary: How Dr Batra’s XOGEN Can Restore Your Hair, No Matter The Cause
  2. Understanding Hair Loss
  3. The Science Behind Exosome Hair Restoration
  4. Dr Batra's® Xogen: The Future of Hair Health and Regeneration

Understanding Hair Loss

There are several reasons for hair loss,

Types of hair loss

  • Hormonal Hair Loss


    In women it is caused from oestrogen and progesterone level drops during pregnancy, irregular menstrual cycles, and conditions like PCOS, while in men, fluctuations in dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels play a major role.

  • Medical Conditions


    Medical conditions like thyroid (both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism), anaemia, diabetes etc can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to hair loss.

  • Androgenetic alopecia


    In men, it usually starts with receding hairline and thinning on the crown and also known as male pattern  baldness. It is a common genetic condition that affects many men. Whereas it typically causes general thinning across the top of the head in females and also called as Female Pattern Baldness

  • Stress


    Physical and emotional stress can cause a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium, where a significant number of hair follicles enter the resting phase, resulting in hair shedding.

Understanding these types of hair loss is important for selecting the most effective treatment. Exosome-based hair treatment is a promising solution that addresses all these types of hair loss.

What are Exosomes?

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles secreted by our body cells, playing a major role in intercellular communication and tissue regeneration. Exosomes contain 400+growth factors, coenzymes, proteins, and genetic
material that stimulates cellular repair and regeneration.

The Science Behind Exosome Hair Restoration

Exosome-based hair treatments use the regenerative power of these biomarkers to stimulate hair growth, offering a targeted approach to stop hair loss and promote hair growth, regardless of its cause.

How do exosomes work?

  1. Stimulates hair regeneration


    Exosomes activate scalp, promoting the regeneration of hair follicles. It triggers the hair growth (Anagen) phase initiating new hair growth by reactivating your scalp's potential. This process is important for treating various types of hair loss, scalp activation plays important role in hair follicle development and reversing the damage

  2. Delivering growth factors and molecules


    Exosomes deliver essential growth factors, coenzymes biotin, directly to hair follicles and activates them to promote healthy growth.

  3. Enhanced Blood Flow


    Exosomes improve blood circulation in the scalp, ensuring that hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen to thrive. This is particularly beneficial for hormonal hair loss, where nutrient delivery to hair follicles is often compromised.

  4. Improved Follicle Health


    Exosomes facilitate the repair and maintenance of hair follicles, enhancing their ability to produce strong, healthy hair. This aspect is essential for hereditary hair loss, where follicle miniaturisation often leads to hair thinning.

Supporting Clinical Studies

Clinical studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of exosome treatments. According to research published in ScienceDirect, there was a 50% reduction in hair follicle miniaturisation, and exosome therapy has shown significant improvements in hair density and quality, with minimal side effects compared to traditional treatments.

Increased Hair Follicle Activity: In another study by National Centre Biotechnology Information, there was a 60% increase in hair follicle activity with exosome therapy.

How exosome-based treatment addresses different types of hair loss?

  • Hormonal hair loss


    In females, exosomes help counteract the effects of hormonal imbalances by promoting follicle health and ensuring a stable environment for hair growth. Similarly in men, it addresses hormonal hair loss in men by targeting changes in dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels.

  • Thyroid disorders


    By enhancing blood flow and nutrient delivery, exosomes support the health of hair follicles affected by thyroid imbalances.

  • Medical conditions


    In addition to hormonal shifts, certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, anaemia, and diabetes can disrupt the hair growth cycle. Exosomes play a crucial role in addressing these conditions by promoting follicle health and providing necessary nutrients for hair growth.

  • Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and Female Pattern Baldness (FPB)


    Exosomes stimulate dormant hair follicles and improve follicle resilience, combating the progressive thinning characteristic of these genetic conditions.

Dr Batra's® Xogen: The Future of Hair Health and Regeneration

Dr Batra's® has been a leader in innovative international hair treatments, utilising the latest advancements in medical science to provide effective solutions for hair loss. Dr Batra's® XOGEN is the world's most advanced exosome-based hair treatment which offers the solution to any kind of hair loss no matter the cause.

This comprehensive treatment promises to stimulate hair regeneration and reduce treatment time. Unlike traditional treatments, it nano-targets hair follicles and treats from the root cause of hair offering faster and long-lasting results.

Consultation Process:

  1. Initial Assessment


    Comprehensive consultation is done by the team of doctors using advanced diagnostic technology to identify the patient’s hair loss type and pattern considering their medical history, and lifestyle factors.

  2. Personalised Treatment Plan


    Development of a holistic treatment plan combined with exosome-based hair treatment designed to nano-target the individual’s specific needs and hair loss type.

  3. Procedure


    Administration of exosomes into the scalp through non-surgical techniques.

  4. Follow-up


    Regular monitoring and assessment of hair growth progress, with adjustments to the treatment plan as needed to ensure optimal results.

Advantages and Considerations:

  • Nano-targeting


    Exosomes are like tiny messengers which once applied get absorbed in the scalp and deliver hair-growth factors directly to your hair follicles, for targeted rejuvenation.

  • Rapid Results


    Exosome Treatment gives faster results compared to any other hair treatments available in the market with visible results often seen within 6 sessions.

  • Comprehensive Approach


    Effective against all types of hair loss, including both hormonal and hereditary causes, making it a universal solution. 

  • Non-surgical


    The procedure involves no surgery, reducing recovery time and minimising the risk of complications.

  • Reduced Side Effects


    Lower chances of side-effects or adverse reactions compared to medications, as exosomes are derived from the patient’s own cells or healthy donor cells.

  • Long-Lasting Results


    Dr Batra's® XOGEN can provide longer-lasting results, potentially reducing the need for frequent treatments.

  • Cost


    Exosome therapy can be more expensive than conventional treatments due to the advanced technology and processes involved, though its long-term benefits often justify the investment.

  • Multiple Sessions


    While many patients see significant improvement after a single session, some may require multiple sessions to achieve the best results, depending on the severity of their hair loss.

Key Takeaways

Hair loss, whether due to hormonal changes or hereditary factors, can significantly impact one’s confidence and quality of life. XOGEN represents a groundbreaking solution, offering hope to those struggling with hair loss by providing a faster, more effective treatment option. Its ability to target various types of hair loss and promote robust hair growth sets exosome therapy apart as a leading innovation in the realm of hair restoration.

For those seeking a safe and an immediate relief exploring exosome-based hair, seasoned experts in the industry like Dr Batra's® and their treatment XOGEN could be the key to regaining not just hair, but also confidence and self-esteem. By using the power regenerative medicine, Dr Batra's® XOGEN offers a promising future for hair restoration and regeneration, making it a must-have choice for anyone looking to stop/ tackle hair loss effectively.

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