How can I stop psoriasis from spreading?

How Can I Stop Psoriasis From Spreading?

August 19, 2021 , Last updated: September 12, 2024

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition in which your skin may get red patches covered with silver and white scales. The skin may become inflamed and itchy.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder where the immune cells target healthy skin. It causes scaly eruptions on the skin. Stress can trigger your psoriasis condition and makes the symptoms worse.

Symptoms of psoriasis

With psoriasis, you get red, inflamed patches. They can cause severe itching, which leads to bleeding. At times, it can burn as well. Most of the time, it comes and goes with the change of season. In one season, your skin could be completely clear, and in another season, it may relapse.

Types of psoriasis

  • Plaque psoriasis: 

    You will find thick red patches on skin with a silver or white scaly layer. Mostly, the patches are on the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.


  • Guttate Psoriasis: 

    You will find separated drop-shaped spots. These eruptions are not very thick. Medications, infections, and injuries can trigger it.


  • Inverse Psoriasis: 

    You will find rashes on skinfolds, mainly under the breasts or in the armpits or groin area.


  • Pustular Psoriasis: 

    You will find pus around the patches. It is one of the severe types of psoriasis.


  • Erythrodermic Psoriasis: 

    You will find exfoliating patches with the patient complaining of a burning sensation. As the patches may develop very fast, you should seek medical help. 

Other common types of psoriasis are scalp psoriasis, nail psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis

How can I stop psoriasis from spreading?


Treatment of psoriasis

According to the cause and remission of psoriasis symptoms, various methods and psoriasis treatments are available. Conventional psoriasis treatments are topical ointments and steroids. But these provide temporary relief.

How can we stop the spread of psoriasis with homeopathy?

Most people believe that psoriasis is an incurable disorder. But homeopathic medicine helps to treat and prevent the spread of psoriasis. Homeopathic medicines are safe, effective, and natural. Unlike conventional treatment, homeopathic medicine does not have steroids and helps to treat psoriasis from its root. Homeopathic remedies do not suppress skin disease. As psoriasis is a chronic disorder, be patient to see good results. Homeopathy may take some time to treat the chronic skin condition from within.

What are the benefits of homeopathy?

Homeopathic medicines work on your immune system and stop its overactivity. They do not alter the normal functioning of the immune system and help treat psoriasis without side effects.

Homeopathic medicines are natural. They are extracted from plants and minerals mostly. They do not have any harmful chemicals and heal naturally with long-lasting effects and limited relapses. For a customized treatment, you should always visit a registered homeopathic doctor to get rid of psoriasis.

Dr Batra's®psoriasis treatment in homeopathy directly acts on the root cause of psoriasis. Our homeopathy doctors take a detailed medical history and give you a customized psoriasis treatment. Homeopathic medicines are specific to every patient.

Homeopathy for psoriasis addresses the immunological factors responsible for its growth and spread. Our homeopathy treatment for psoriasis provides long-lasting relief.

Book an online appointmentwith us to avoid the spreading of psoriasis.

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