How to reclaim confidence of your loved ones who've been diagnosed with vitiligo?

How to reclaim confidence of your loved ones who've been diagnosed with vitiligo?

February 5, 2020 , Last updated: October 7, 2024

We’re all aware of the fact that a suffering patient’s journey is extremely painful to endure. However, what we often forget is the journey of their loved ones who are with their patients every step of the way. Their emotional journey is enough to bring a lump in your throat.

Patients and their caretakers venture into another battle whilst undergoing treatments. The battle of dissolving their mental scars. When it comes to visibly loud diseases like leukoderma, popularly known as Vitiligo, the patient has most likely lost their share of self-confidence and self-worth when diagnosed.

In order to help yourself and your ailing friends suffering from Vitiligo, it’s naturally important to educate yourself about it. Here are some facts about this disease you probably weren’t aware of:

Whether these vitiligo spots are mild or huge, they are enough to create spots on the patient’s definition of self-worth. How do you as a caretaker, supporter and well-wisher reclaim your Vitiligo suffering patient’s lost self-confidence?

Help them accept:

When it comes to beginning a journey of reincarnating anyone’s self-worth, acceptance is typically the first step. Accept the fact that, yes, you do have an unusual skin which makes you stand out from the crowd, most likely in a negative way. But, no, that doesn’t change who you are as a person nor does it take your strengths away from you. Rather than influencing them into believing and throwing statements like, “Nothing is wrong with your skin”, “It’s absolutely alright the way it is” you should prefer saying, “Yes, there is something wrong with your skin for which we shall seek the Vitiligo treatment. But that doesn’t taint you or your virtues.”

Help Them set a goal:

Setting a goal is a classic and most underrated and easiest way to gain your self-worth back. When your loved ones suffer from Vitiligo, apart from helping them get the best Vitiligo treatment, you can also help them set a goal. It can be a to-do list of a huge goal. Accomplishing those goals will trigger their self-worth and make them believe that they are absolutely capable of achieving what they put their heart into, regardless of their skin disorders.

Buy them books:

By giving them the habit of reading, you create a mind which is ready to soak positivity in the form of words. Buy them books which may interest them. Even self-help books can suffice. Memoirs like “Turning White” by Lee Thomas, “Skin Deep-A Child’s Story” by Phyllis A Russell, “Vitiligo Doesn’t Scare me” by Kim Kirkland are some of the master-pieces which will surely help your ailing loved ones acknowledge and fight this disease better.

Make them join groups:

Nothing brings comfort more than being around people who are going through the same journey as you are. Make your ailing patients join support groups where people suffering from Vitiligo come and join together to share their saga of skin misery can be a huge upliftment. This will help them realise that they aren’t alone in this journey.

Help them become camera-friendly:

It has been commonly pointed out among Vitiligo patients that they refrain from clicking their pictures. This might seem frivolous otherwise but not being able to click their own pictures is a huge sign of lost confidence. Try to make them camera-friendly. It may not happen in a day and you may have to be patient. But once they accept their flaws and still want to be confident about it by clicking and posting pictures, your journey to regain self-confidence can be concluded as mildly successful.

Opt for a treatment which is gentle:

When it comes to treating a skin disease, make a list of what you don’t need instead of what you do. You don’t need toxic side effects, harsh conventional treatments which are rough on your system and you most definitely don’t need an over-the-counter medicine handed without much research. The Vitiligo treatment in homeopathy can help you cross off all the don’ts in your list offering a treatment which is carefully curated and personalised for you based on various aspects of your body. These treatments come with a greater chance of hindering any re-occurrences.

When you book an appointment at Dr Batra’s®, you nourish the exercise of regaining your confidence and bidding your insecurities goodbye.

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