How women perceive men with Hair Loss?

How Women Perceive Men with Hair Loss?

Female Pattern Baldness
January 6, 2017 , Last updated: April 22, 2024

It’s not just women who battle hair loss issues. Men face them too, and it affects them as much as it does the fairer sex.

Think of Bruce Willis, Andre Agassi or Michael Jordan, and you’ve got three famously strong, masculine men with plenty of female fans. They also have something else in common: they’re bald. What is the reason behind their huge female fan following? Is it their bald-head? Certainly not! They are popular because of their work and victory achieved in the respective fields of movies, tennis, and football.

Even though in cases where women like men with baldness – they prefer to choose completely shaved men perceiving them to be stronger, athletic and dominant. But not all men are willing to make this sacrifice! In terms of dating and relationships, hair loss can have a profound effect on how we perceive ourselves, and how we think we are perceived by others. This is especially true for young guys who are experiencing early hair loss. Some may feel that hair loss signifies the end of youth and desirability, while others feel like they have become less attractive to their partners. As a result, self-esteem takes a hit.

Men don’t care about Hair Loss. Really?

Most of the people still think – only women are concerned about hair loss and struggle in finding out best hair fall control solutions. Women are burdened with pressures - culturally and socially - to look a certain way. Most of these ideas are fed to them, from the glamour world - films and models.

Now-a-days, men too suffer from such body insecurities. From nose jobs to cheek fillers and bicep implants to chemical lifts, expectations for men are quickly catching up too. Consider this - Ravi Singhal, a 34-year-old working professional in Delhi, is fair, has sharp features, good height sports a beard and could well fall in the category of conventionally good-looking guy. However, he admits that he is not satisfied with his looks. What is the reason behind his distress? HAIR LOSS! He tried many things, like eating a healthy diet, exercise, shampoos and DIY treatments, etc. for hair fall control. But, he couldn’t get any relief. He wanted to get rid of this condition as it was adversely affecting his confidence level. His relationship with the girlfriend was also getting affected due to low self-esteem.

According to a hair survey, 78 percent of men and 75 percent of women agreed that balding men were less attractive.

Men facing hair loss even feel insecure and possessive in their interpersonal relationships, leading to social issues and conflict. It hampers their communication skills, leading to poor eye contact and sloppy body posture. As a result, women finds balding men unappealing and boring!

Facts about Hair Loss in Men –

  • Many men have seen their girlfriends walk out, ‘thanks’ to their bald plate
  • Divorce rates are higher in couples, where the man is losing hair, or going bald
  • There are reports in India where men, who have veiled their baldness, with a wig or hair piece, before marriage, have had to face the divorce after marriage.

How to fix the hair loss condition?

It is important to understand that the emotional distress occurring with losing one’s hair is legitimate and should be addressed and not be brushed aside. Because hair loss is something which can be treated well on inspecting the condition in the initial phase and it will also help you in regaining confidence back on track. While you’re confident about self-image and appearance, you can certainly woo your favorite girl’s attention at any event!

So, this is especially for all men who see their hair shedding and women who just don’t like men with less hair on the top - Hair loss is a medical condition and it can be treated in a holistic manner through homeopathy. Homeopathy medicines for hair loss slows down the progression of bald patches and fills up scanty hair areas with new hair, leading to a complete recovery in most cases.

Once you know the reason for your hair loss, you can take care of them by simply following few instant hair fall control tips and eventually, ladies will again start falling for you likewise in your college days!

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