Let the gut feel good.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Diagnosis

A detailed history, physical examination and limited diagnostic tests help confirm an IBS diagnosis. More extensive testing is reserved for specific situations. A psychological evaluation is also useful in relating IBS to quality of life, anxiety and stress.


  • Relieved by passage of stools
  • Accompanied by change in frequency of stools at the onset
  • Accompanied by change in consistency of stools at the onset

In addition, the patient must also have two of the following features at least 25% of the times:

  • Recurrent diarrhoea can lead to weight loss and mal-absorption.
  • Predominant constipation IBS can increase the risk of piles and fissure.
  • Persistent pain prevents day-to-day activities, work, concentration and productivity.
  • IBS also has a psychological impact; some of the resulting complications are fear of social gatherings and parties, fear of travelling, fear of eating outside food, depression, stress and burden of the disease, and increased anxiety.


Hi this is Akhilandeswari, I was suffering with headache and gastric problem from so long period I took so many medicine from so many hospital, but i did not cured. At the last I had visited Dr. Batras Annanagar branch they have gave good guidance and construction after that i took 2 year's medicine Now iam fully cured. Thankq dr akila for treating me and good following for visit for Naga sudha mam.

Agilandeswari Sridhar

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