Is eczema inflammatory?

Is eczema inflammatory?

May 19, 2021 , Last updated: September 12, 2024

Like a fence that stops unwanted trespassers, the skin acts as a barrier protecting the body from hundreds of pollutants and allergens we come in contact with every day. But what if the barrier (skin) has a leakage?

People with eczema have a hyper-reactive immune system. Rather than attacking the undigested protein, the immune system attacks the skin cells. This makes the skin leaky and lets irritants be sensed by the skin. Hence, the sensitive reaction of the skin causes excess inflammation underneath your skin. With eczema, even when the skin looks clear, inflammation can be still active under the skin.

Eczema is a non-transmissible inflammatory skin condition characterized by an itchy, dry rash. The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but scientists believe a combination of genes and triggers are involved which makes the skin sensitive to environmental factors.

Symptoms of eczema

Symptoms of eczema may vary from a mild skin rash that goes away quickly to a severe condition that exists for a long time. Some common symptoms include:

  • Skin inflammation that turns red, burns and may smell
  • Itchy bumps called hives, may pop up on the skin
  • Fluid-filled blisters that may emit pus and crust over
  • Over time, the skin may become thick and feel leathery or scaly

Scratching; further irritates and inflames the skin. Some people continue to have symptoms in episodes throughout their life.

Eczema Treatment

Triggers of eczema

The skin cannot retain much moisture which makes it more likely to react to certain triggers. Some of the common triggers include:

  • Irritants: Soaps, detergents, shampoos and bubble baths that are not pH balanced can cause irritation to the skin
  • Food allergies: Allergies to eggs, cows' milk, peanuts, soya or wheat can trigger the release of inflammation by the immune system.
  • Clothing fabric: Certain materials which are worn next to the skin such as wool and synthetic fabrics can cause overheating, sweating and irritation, which set off the dreaded itch.
  • Pet dander: Pet dander is a common trigger for eczema and related conditions, like asthma. Proteins in animal saliva or urine make eczema flare-up.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety can cause somatization, in which you experience physical symptoms. An eczema eruption is one potential type of somatization because of anxiety.
  • Sweat: sodium in sweat can dehydrate and irritate the skin.
  • Environmental factors or allergens such as cold and dry weather, dampness, and more specific things such as house dust mites, pet fur, pollen and molds can cause hay-fever, asthma and skin inflammation.

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Eczema flare-up prevention

The cure for eczema is currently not known, but the symptoms can be managed by following the tips mentioned below:

  • Moisturize your skin often
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity
  • Try not to sweat or get too warm. Keeping cool and keeping your home comfortable can reduce the itching.
  • Manage stress and take time to relax. Do regular exercise, as it can help to increase circulation and control stress.
  • Avoid scratchy materials such as wool
  • Don’t use harsh soaps, detergents or solvents
  • Pay attention to foods that might trigger symptoms and try to dodge them

Homeopathy treatment for eczema

Homeopathy is one of the most effective ways for eczema treatment. Conventional medicines may provide temporary relief by suppressing the symptoms. Rather than suppression, homeopathy aims to treat the underlying causes of eczema, leaving no side-effects.

If asthma or hay fever co-exists, merely treating the skin will not heal eczema. Homeopathy simultaneously heals associated allergies and overall immune weakness. A homeopath provides individualized treatment for each patient following a detailed consultation on personal and family medical history, diet, moods, emotional and mental wellbeing.

According to a case study published in ResearchGate, a 44-year-old male patient with eczema over the face, neck, hands and chest was treated with homeopathic medicines, graphites and sulfur, without the aid of emollients and steroids. On the last follow-up (7th month of treatment), the patient had clear and healthy skin.

At Dr Batra’s®, over the last 35 years, we have successfully provided eczema treatment to thousands of patients. As authenticated by the American Quality Assessors, our positive treatment outcome rate is 94.3% for treating skin conditions, including eczema. Book an appointment with our expert homeopaths to get a safe, effective and long-lasting treatment for eczema skin disease.

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