Know What Type Of Diabetes You Have

Know What Type Of Diabetes You Have

January 12, 2017 , Last updated: July 10, 2024

Both my mother and mother-in-law sadly are diabetic. However, from what I have noticed over a period of time is that there is a definite difference in the symptoms they show as well as the treatment they take to manage their blood sugar level.

While the glucose level in case of my mother-in-law is most of the times constant (within the permitted limit for any diabetic person on medication, appropriate diet and exercise), the blood sugar in case of my mom keeps fluctuating from low to high, despite ensuring proper diet and exercise. While my mother-in-law takes oral medications for controlling her diabetes, doctor has recommended my mom to take insulin to keep her fluctuating sugar levels in control. I always wondered why two people with same ailment show varying symptoms and need different treatment, till I realized that they have different types of diabetes!

For me, diabetes has always been ‘sugar disease’ and diabetes treatment was just avoiding sugar in food. But let me tell you, after seeing two people extremely close to me going through this painful experience of managing blood sugar every day, I realized that managing diabetes requires much more than just controlling sugar. It needs treatment, proper treatment, depending on your type of diabetes. Yes, for those who are unaware, this post is for you to know that diabetes is of different types and therefore treatment might differ as well. Look out for holistic management of diabetes.

Commonly known types of diabetes

  • Type 1 diabetes

    Type 1 diabetes (also known as insulin-dependent diabetes), accounts for 5-10 out of 100 people who have diabetes. It is an autoimmune condition where the immune system wrongly identifies and therefore attacks the pancreatic cells of the body that produce insulin, eventually eliminating insulin production from the body. Without insulin, cells cannot absorb sugar (glucose), which they need to produce energy. My mom was suffering from this condition.

  • Type 2 diabetes

    In Type 2 diabetes (also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes) accounts for the vast majority of people who have diabetes-90 to 95 out of 100 people. In type 2 diabetes, the body is not able to use insulin the right way. This is called insulin resistance. As type 2 diabetes worsens, the pancreas may make less insulin, leading to insulin deficiency. My mother-in-law was suffering from this condition.

  • Gestational diabetes

    One more type of diabetes is gestational diabetes that occurs in pregnancy and typically resolves after childbirth. People who have experienced gestational diabetes do, however, have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes after pregnancy.

  • Borderline diabetes

    Sometimes doctor tells you, “You have got “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” What these terms suggest is that your case of diabetes might not be that serious. Nevertheless, it doesn’t really mean that you do not have to take precautions.


Research suggests that type 1 diabetes is caused by genes and environmental factors, such as viruses, that might trigger the disease.

Type 2 diabetes—is caused by several factors, including lifestyle factors and genes as discussed below.

Overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you live sedentary lifestyle with no physical activity and are overweight or obese. Excess weight sometimes causes insulin resistance and is common in people with type 2 diabetes. The location of body fat also makes a difference. Extra belly fat is more linked to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, as well as heart and blood vessel disease.

Insulin resistance

Type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance. It is a condition in which muscle, liver, and fat cells do not use insulin well. Your body therefore needs more insulin to help glucose enter cells. At first, the pancreas makes more insulin to keep up with the added demand. Over time, the pancreas can’t make enough insulin, and blood glucose levels rise.

Genes and family history

As in type 1 diabetes, certain genes may make you more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes has a stronger link to family history and lineage than type 1. In most cases of type 1 diabetes, the patient would need to inherit risk factors from both the parents.

Know if you are likely to develop type 2 diabetes

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are aged 40 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Also, you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant.

Both types of diabetes greatly increase a person's risk for a range of serious complications. Monitoring and managing the disease can prevent complications.

So, the next thing for you to know is that is there anything that makes diabetes management a bit less painful? Yes. There is. It’s called homeopathy. These ‘sweet pills’ can keep your sugar in control without any side-effects. How? We try to answer it here.

Why homeopathic medicines for diabetes?

Helps maintain ‘normal’ levels of insulin and prevent complications

Homeopathic medicines for diabetes are primarily focused on maintaining ‘normal’ levels of insulin, or keeping conventional anti-diabetic drugs, at the minimum possible dosage and in preventing progression or complications of the disease.

Holistic management individualized treatment

Homeopathic medicines for diabetes emphasise on the holistic management of diabetes rather than ‘cure.’

Homeopathy looks at diabetes as a reflection of the body's inability to function optimally, or an imbalance in the body's capacity to effectively utilise insulin that it produces, or not generate sufficient insulin for its needs. Homeopathic remedies correct the underlying problem— the trigger for diabetes, for example, emotional stress. From the ‘root.’ Not just its mere manifestation.

It also takes into account the fact that no two diabetic individuals present with identical problems. Each of us is unique. Therefore, no two people with diabetes are given same medicines. Homeopathic treatment for diabetes is an individualized treatment best suitable for you based on thorough assessment of your condition including your physical as well as emotional and mental symptoms.

Safe and free of side-effects

I prefer calling homeopathy as ‘experienced medicine’ because all the medicines that are used on the patients are subjected to human trial and assured of its safety even in infants. The medicines are being used for over two centuries and not even one instance of adverse drug reaction has ever been reported. So, homeopathic medicines for diabetes are safe and free of side-effects.

Can be used along with allopathic medicines

The best part — homeopathic medicines for diabetes can be taken safely, along with your conventional or pharmaceutical medications, including insulin. One such research was conducted in Athens to see compatibility of homeopathy and conventional medicine in controlling diabetes.

A group of patients of diabetes mellitus type-2 were treated with Daonil, a conventional medicine, and a placebo (Group-1) and Daonil and homeopathy (Group-2). Group-1 showed 47 per cent improvement; Group-2 showed a hugely impressive 97 per cent improvement

What’s more, some people eat right and exercise, but they cannot stabilise their blood sugar. Homeopathic treatment is effective in such cases too. The appropriate homeopathic remedy will help to balance blood sugar levels naturally, without side- effects.

Well, so by now if you are convinced with the healing benefits of homeopathy, we also give you some self-help tips that will help you manage your diabetes better.


  • Eat healthy — high fibre food, fruits and vegetables, and foods that are low in fat, salt and sugar
  • Exercise regularly, 20-30 minutes, 4-5 times a week
  • Keep your family and friends informed of your condition. Wear a badge, or diabetic card; this will be useful during an emergency
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid, or reduce, your alcohol ‘fix,’ if any
  • Take care of your feet. Diabetics are prone to develop problems with their feet, including infections and foot ulcers. Wear shoes approved by a foot, ankle and lower leg medical specialist [podiatrist, or chiropodist]
  • Keep your nails short [you can scratch and ‘infect’ your skin otherwise] and wash your feet with warm water every day
  • Have regular eye tests — at least twice a year to check for retinopathy
  • Undergo the following tests every year —
  • Cholesterol test
  • Triglyceride test
  • Complete foot examination
  • Dental exam to check teeth and gums
  • Eye exam to check for vision problems
  • Urine and blood tests, including Hb1AC.

People who are diabetic should complement their medical regimen with a healthy lifestyle which will control blood glucose levels, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Follow-up with their doctor on a regular basis is advised.

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