Leucoderma: Causes & Homeopathy Treatment

Leucoderma - Causes & Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy Treatment
December 19, 2020 , Last updated: July 20, 2024

Among the most searched terms with vitiligo on Google Search is perhaps Michael Jackson. That’s because he is the most famous personality to suffer from vitiligo disease. Sadly, vitiligo is still considered a taboo in several parts of the country and people don’t speak about it. They remain quiet and hide their skin condition. Unfortunately, many don’t even know if there is any effective treatment for vitiligo. They accept it as part of their destiny and live with it. Let’s understand this better.

Vitiligo is also known as leucoderma. With this type of skin disease, loss of skin color in patches may be found. It affects 2-3% of people around the world. (Source: Research Gate)

Causes of leucoderma

Listed below are the most common causes of leucoderma

  • Immunity disorders

    The cells called melanocytes are identified as foreign or harmful particles by your body and start to attack them. People with other autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto’s disease which affects the thyroid gland and alopecia which makes hair fall out; are more likely to get vitiligo.


  • Oxidative stress imbalance

    Oxidative stress is a disparity in some types of compounds involved in various physiological processes. The imbalance can be caused by exposure to UV rays, pollutants or other environmental factors. Your body areas that are affected by vitiligo are known to be the most susceptible to oxidative stress. It’s quite common to get oxidative stress in your skin. But those with vitiligo are much more susceptible.


  • Physical trauma

    Physical trauma to the skin like a sunburn or exposure to industrial chemicals can trigger vitiligo. Vitiligo appears precisely on the sites where there has been a wound.


Leucoderma: Causes & Homeopathy Treatment

What are the symptoms of leucoderma?

The main symptom is associated with the development of white patches on the skin. Most commonly, it is in the areas that are usually exposed to sunlight. This includes arms, hands, lips and face. Additional leucoderma symptoms might include:

  • The color loss of the mucosal tissues
  • The color loss of the retina of the eyes
  • The development of grey eyelashes, hair and beard

What are the complications of leucoderma?

Leucoderma patients might suffer complications including:

  • Loss of hearing
  • Painful sunburns
  • Changes in vision and production of tear

Homeopathy treatment for leucoderma

Homeopathic medicines are selected based on an individualistic approach where a detailed case study is done based on various factors. These include the nature and spread of vitiligo, affected areas of the body, past medical history, family history, associated diseases, environmental, emotional, and hormonal factors affecting a person, the past and current treatment, etc.

Read More: Vitiligo: Homeopathic Help for a Disfiguring Skin Disorder

14 leucoderma patients were assessed and provided individualized homeopathy treatment. 35.7% of those patients experienced either moderate relief or recovered fully (Source: NCBI).

Why Dr Batra’s®?

At Dr Batra’s®, we evaluate each case of leucoderma under the wood's lamp to:

  • Accurately diagnose leucoderma
  • Rule out fungal infections
  • Measure the extent of the disease
  • Detect early changes that are not visible to the naked eye
  • Monitor the response to the treatment

As authenticated by the American Quality Assessors (AQA), the success rate for treating leucoderma at Dr Batra’s® is 89%.

Book an appointment with our homeopathic specialists for effective and safe leucoderma treatment which gives long-lasting relief without any side-effects.

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