5 homeopathic remedies for psoriasis treatment

5 homeopathic remedies for psoriasis treatment

October 13, 2019 , Last updated: July 17, 2024

Stuck with an unwanted guest maybe for life? Tried all means to get rid of this disease that has totally engulfed you? Failed miserably to get psoriasis out of you?”

Guess there’s one option you haven’t tried yet! Heard of something called ‘Homeopathy’? Want to know more about this wonderful science of healing?

Well, let me brief you a bit on homeopathy and psoriasis treatment.

Psoriasis being an autoimmune disorder mainly affects the skin with a tendency to recur periodically and has physical as well as psychological impact on the individual suffering from the disease. As per WHO norms, psoriasis is not a fully curable disease though it can have periods of remission.

The conventional treatment aims at only controlling psoriasis symptoms and thereby providing relief to patients suffering.

Whereas, psoriasis treatment in homeopathy has something better to offer! Homeopathy goes deeper into the core of the disease and helps bring back the deranged immunity back to normal. It takes into consideration the individual affected by the disease and not the symptoms alone. It connects to the psychology of the patient having psoriasis disease and helps bring a change in the way one can deal with this painful disease.

Also Read: Starting a Relationship? Don't Let Psoriasis Disease Get in the Way

Also Read: Know The Psoriasis Triggers And Stop The Itch

Psoriasis Evaluation Test

While these being few of the key indications for prescribing these medications, do not self-medicate. This is just the tip of the iceberg!

There are many more such homeopathic remedies for psoriasis that are prescribed taking into consideration every teeny tiny detail of the patient suffering from the disease.

Homeopathic medications need to be taken under the guidance of an expert homeopathic doctor to yield the best possible results, they being the best judge to choose the right remedy for every individual case.

“So what are you waiting for? Its time homeopathy set you free from Psoriasis!” To get an individualized, safe, and effective treatment for psoriasis, book an appointment with us

Well, if that’s not cure, what really is?

Here are some remedies that can treat psoriasis skin disease effectively:


  • This homeopathic medicine for psoriasis is indicated when the patient is extremely sensitive to cold air. Chilliness is a marked symptom along with skin complaints
  • Skin eruptions ulcerate and form thick scabs under which purulent matter (pus filled) exudes
  • Intolerable itching, worse in bed
  • Severe redness and pain of the affected parts.


  • This homeopathic medicine for psoriasis is indicated in patients having long-standing disease with frequent relapses of psoriatic episodes
  • It can be used in beginning of the psoriasis symptoms as also to end an acute relapse of it
  • Every little injury suppurates, exuding dirty filthy discharge with an offensive smell
  • Dry scaly unhealthy skin with severe itching and burning that gets worse on scratching and washing
  • Complaints are worse when warm in bed, worse on standing, better in dry weather.

 Arsenic Album

  • This homeopathy medicine for psoriasis is useful in cases with dry rough scaly eruptions with itching, severe burning and swelling especially of joints
  • These eruptions are worse in cold weather and on scratching
  • There is icy coldness of extremities
  • Patient is extremely anxious and restless and has marked fear of impending death
  • All complaints are worse from cold, cold drinks or food and get better from heat and warm things.

Kali Ars :

  • This homeopathic medicine for psoriasis is indicated when there is intolerable itching that gets worse on undressing
  • Skin is dry scaly and wilted
  • Numerous small nodules under the skin are seen
  • Complaints get worse during the change of weather, warmth, walking and undressing
  • The patient is very restless, nervous and anaemic.


  • This homeopathy medicine for psoriasis is indicated in patients who are stout, of fair complexion and a tendency to skin affections
  • Skin is rough and hard with persistent dryness
  • Eruptions ooze out glutinous exudates that are thin and sticky
  • There is a tendency to ulcer formations on the psoriatic patches as every injury goes into suppuration (pus formation)
  • There is severe burning and stinging pain in the skin with rawness in bends of limbs, groins, neck and behind ears
  • Complaints are worse in warmth, at night and during and after menstruation in women
  • Complaints get better by wrapping up the affected part as the patient takes on cold easily and feels chilly all the time
  • This remedy is best suited to apprehensive despondent and indecisive individuals.
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