Medications that aggravate hair-pulling disorder

Medications that aggravate hair-pulling disorder

Hair Fall
July 7, 2021 , Last updated: April 24, 2024

Hair-pulling disorder is medically known as trichotillomania.A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 2013 reports that an estimated 0.6% to 4.0% of the global population has experienced trichotillomania in their lifetime. People who suffer from this psychological disorder often pull only one hair at a time but these episodes can last for hours. The urge to pull out hair can be overwhelming. Despite being classified as a disorder, it can be difficult to recognize. Some may simply perceive the urge to pull hair as a bad habit while others can experience a severe impact on their physical and psychological health. While it can be difficult to deal with, the hair-pulling disorder can be managed better with early diagnosis and the right trichotillomania treatment.

What is trichotillomania?

It is a compulsive disorder that causes an overpowering desire to pull hair from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, or other areas of the body. It can also result in balding or bald patches. Women are more likely to report this condition than men. However, it is equally prevalent in both men and women. Trichotillomania causes differ from person to person and the hair-pulling can be focused or automatic. In most people, hair pulling is preceded by their emotional state. Anxiety, stress, or boredom can cause you to pull hair. Although the exact cause remains unclear, it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Complications of hair-pulling disorder

  • Medications:

    When a certain medication causes mood change or results in nervousness, restlessness, excitability, dizziness, or anxiety, it can aggravate trichotillomania. Medicines that contain caffeine or Corticosteroids can trigger the hair-pulling disorder. These medications are commonly used in the treatment of ADHD, asthma, thyroid, and others.


  • Quality of life:

    Due to the hair-pulling disorder you may experience low self-esteem and embarrassment.Hairloss patches can make you feel uncomfortable; this, in turn, can impact your everyday life.


  • Skin and hair damage:

    Constant hair pulling can cause scarring and can also infect the specific area from where the hair is pulled. This can permanently damage hair growth.

Hairballs- It is uncommon in humans, but it can be a result of trichotillomania. Eating your hair may lead to a large hairball in your digestive tract, which can cause serious health issues.

Medications that aggravate hair-pulling disorder


Trichotillomania is a chronic medical condition and often requires a combination of treatment. If you cannot stop pulling your hair or if it impacts your daily life, it is important to seek professional help.Some medications such as anti-depressants can enable patients to control their symptoms. However, research suggests trichotillomania treatment needs to be individualized. What works for one person will not necessarily work for you.

Currently, there is no FDA-approved conventional treatment for trichotillomania. However, according to a study published in The Clinical Psychological Review, homeopathy is proven to be a safe and effective line of treatment. Moreover, patients reported up to a 90% recovery rate.

Treatment at Dr Batra’s®

Homeopathic treatments are highly individualized and holistic in nature. They consider the patient’s physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms for complete well-being. Homeopathy treatment for trichotillomania doesn’t just address hair loss but also the underlying problems in the safest way. Homeopathic medicines for trichotillomania are natural, safe, and effective.

At Dr Batra’s® the homeopathic doctors conduct an in-depth consultation to devise an individualized treatment plan. This plan includes the best suitable homeopathic medicines and lifestyle tips for a complete recovery. Homeopathic treatment helps to manage trichotillomania and the associated emotional disturbances.Homeopathic medicines can also help to lessen the urge to pull hair and stimulate hair growth.Moreover, the medicines do not cause any drug dependency and the results are long-lasting. Consult our team of homeopathic experts by visiting:

Also read: Can trichotillomania cause permanent hair loss?

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