One-stop solution for your white spots – Homeopathy

One-stop solution for your white spots – Homeopathy

April 25, 2020 , Last updated: August 23, 2024

Vitiligo is very much prevalent worldwide. Around 2% of the entire world’s population suffers from this skin condition. It’s been there since ages and today we will discuss it in detail. Keep reading to know more.

What you should know about vitiligo?

Vitiligo is the presence of a patch of skin which does not have color. The primary reason for vitiligo is autoimmunity in which the melanocytes which make pigment (melanin) in our skin, giving colour to it, are either killed or rendered completely inactive by the body’s own immune system. As a result, some areas of the skin become completely colourless.

This is an absolutely non-contagious skin disorder. It is believed that this skin whitening disease is hereditary but nothing has conclusively been proven. A scientific study claims to properly define the role of genetics in this skin condition. According to the study, if both mother and father have vitiligo, even then there is only a 20% chance of their children developing the disease.(Source: NCBI)

White spots can be present in many shapes and forms. It can be limited to a single patch or cover the entire body. It is advisable to seek early treatment for vitiligo to stop the spread of patches to other body parts.

Diagnosis is done by examining your medical history in order to rule out other skin conditions. In addition, a skin biopsy is done to correctly determine what sort of skin disorder you are suffering.

One-stop solution for your white spots – Homeopathy

Now let us look at the various treatment options available for vitiligo.

Conventional white spot treatment

Treatment to restore your skin colour comes in many forms. The first one is cream that aims to control inflammation. But these vitiligo creams may present side-effects such as streaks or lines on the skin and skin thinning among others. Oral steroids that work to pacify an aggressive immune system are also available. Although very powerful, they too may cause some side-effects such as high blood pressure and unusual hair growth. Light therapy is another option that is highly effective. Possible side-effects include dry skin, swelling, redness etc. Surgical procedures like skin grafting and tattooing. These are very painful procedures and may cause permanent damage to the skin if gone wrong.

You need something that is safe, effective and painless. Don’t worry, homeopathy is here for you.

Benefits of vitiligo treatment in homeopathy

Vitiligo treatment in homeopathy is your safest bet. Patients across the globe are now advising to take up homeopathy to treat vitiligo. Homeopathic approach looks for the source of any disease to correctly determine the cause. Vitiligo is associated with many physiological as well as psychological facets of a patient’s life.

As homeopathy aims to treat the root cause of vitiligo, the recurrence rate is far less compared to any other conventional treatment methods. The pills are very sweet which means you kid won’t have any objection in taking them. Also, the fact that homeopathic medication treats vitiligo without any scarring makes it everybody’s top choice.

Homeopathy examines every patient’s medical and family historyseparately, to come up with the right medication. There is no “one for all” medicine in homeopathy and a personalised remedy is provided to each individual after taking a detailed case history and examination.

At Dr Batra's®, homeopaths work effortlessly to provide you with long-lasting results. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances and do not cause any side-effects. So, if you are someone suffering from vitiligo and looking for a safe, effective and natural treatment, do not wait. Visit the nearest homeopathic clinic, try out their holistic approach and see the positive change in your life. Click here to book an appointment.

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