Age: 46 years

Location: Goa, India

Medical condition: Cerebral Palsy

His story: Despite being born with Cerebral Palsy, he started the ‘Disability Rights Association of Goa’ (DRAG) with the idea of improving the lives of the differently-abled. He is an active member of the National Trust of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities. His NGO works to improve accessibility and helps sensitize people towards persons with disabilities.

His struggle: Due to dearth of special schools for the differently-abled Avelino’s parents had no choice but to educate him in a regular school. His mother had to take him regularly to Spastic Society in Mumbai for regular treatment and exercises.

His first step towards making a difference: With the idea of improving accessibility for the differently-abled, Avelino started Disability Rights Association of Goa (DRAG).

His contribution to the society: His NGO helps sensitize people towards persons with disabilities. They also share important information and resources with them. The NGO is actively involved in bringing about policy changes and also pushes the government to enforce the laws meant for the differently-abled.