Dealing with Scalp Acne

Dealing with Scalp Acne: Causes, Treatments, and Home Remedies

Psoriasis Scalp
June 3, 2024 , Last updated: July 12, 2024

On average, the scalp contains about 100,000 hair follicles. Clogging of these follicles due to poor hygiene, excess sebum, or scalp infections may lead to pimples on the scalp. Scalp acne is uncommon and can be corrected by medical and home remedies.

Doctors recommend different scalp pimple treatments based on the type of scalp and the type and severity of acne. This article discusses how to treat pimples on the scalp medically and naturally and preventive measures for such breakouts.

Table of Content [hide]
  1. Dealing with Scalp Acne: Causes, Treatments, and Home Remedies
  2. Exploring Scalp Acne Symptoms and Diagnosis
  3. Scalp Pimple Treatments
  4. Preventing Scalp Acne: Tips for Healthy Scalp Care
  5. Dealing with Scalp Acne Breakouts: Lifestyle Adjustments Homeopathy
  6. Get Healthy Hair and Scalp at Dr Batra's®
  7. FAQs

Exploring Scalp Acne Symptoms and Diagnosis

Scalp pimples appear as tiny or large bumps along the hairline, at the back of the neck, and on the scalp. These are often caused by clogging of the pores and hair follicles due to excess sebum production, the buildup of dead cells, or bacterial and fungal infections.

The following sections discuss common problems on the scalp in more detail.

Identifying Pimples, Zits, and Breakouts on the Scalp

Scalp breakouts may appear solely on the scalp or also along the hairline, forehead, and the back of the neck. The appearance of these breakouts may vary as follows:

  • Small bumps that can be felt but not seen
  • Flesh-coloured bumps
  • Small, red bumps
  • Red bumps with a white head
  • Itchy bumps
  • Painful bumps
  • Cysts forming deep within the skin with no head on the surface.

Acne on the scalp can occur in varied severities, including:

  • Mild Breakouts: These manifest as small and sparse whiteheads and blackheads along the scalp, hairline, forehead, and back of the neck. They are often caused by poor hygiene and are relatively easy to treat.
  • Moderate Breakouts: These pimples may appear as papules or inflamed red bumps. The zits here are higher in number; some may be pus-filled and called pustules. Such breakouts can be itchy and sometimes painful.
  • Severe Breakouts: These are closely packed and occur as inflamed papules and pustules. Cysts and nodules also occur in some cases. Severe breakouts can be painful and difficult to treat at home.

Doctors analyse these breakouts’ symptoms and appearance before recommending the most suitable treatment options. Some lifestyle changes and healthy scalp practices could address the issue in milder cases without any treatment.

Understanding Itchy Scalp with Pimples

An itchy scalp with pimples often occurs due to inflammation in the pores or hair follicles caused by clogging. This could be caused by several factors, including:

  • Not washing the hair frequently.
  • A buildup of oil, dirt, and dead cells.
  • Using certain hair care products, such as hairsprays, masks, shampoos, and conditioners, can cause acne cosmetica.
  • Using dirty scarves, hats, or headgear.
  • Fungal infections caused by Candida, Malassezia, and others.
  • Bacterial infections caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes.
  • Infections by mites and other scalp parasites.

In some cases, scalp breakouts are associated with other conditions, including:

  • Seborrheic Dermatitis: This condition leads to dandruff and scaly, red, and itchy scalp. Scratching or picking at the scalp can lead to pimple-like breakouts.
  • Scalp Folliculitis: This condition includes infection or inflammation of the hair follicles caused by bacteria, fungus, or ingrown hairs. It leads to red bumps that may be itchy and painful.
  • Pilar Cysts: These cysts form around the hair roots and are filled with keratin. The lack of white heads helps in distinguishing them from scalp acne.

Therefore, a proper scalp evaluation is necessary to identify the condition and choose the appropriate treatments correctly.

Scalp Pimple Treatments

Zits on the scalp can be uncomfortable and a cause for hair loss. Addressing them early on can prevent them from becoming severe and painful. Pimples on the scalp treatment encompasses various natural and medical options. While most mild and some moderate cases can be addressed by natural home remedies, it is best to consult a specialist to prevent further irritation of the breakouts.

The following sections discuss how to get rid of pimples on the scalp through medical and natural means.

Medical Treatments

The medical scalp breakout treatment is based on the scalp type and the nature and severity of the scalp breakouts. Upon inspecting the scalp, the doctor may suggest one or a combination of the following treatments:

  • Oral or topical antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Steroid injections
  • Antihistamines for allergies
  • Isotretinoin and other specific medicines to address severe acne
  • Light therapy or phototherapy

Doctors commonly recommend the following components to treat scalp acne:

  • Benzoyl Peroxide: It is an antibacterial compound agent often used to treat acne caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes.
  • Salicylic Acid: This is another common acne-clearing ingredient that clears dead skin cells and reduces inflammation.
  • Ketoconazole: Ketoconazole is a common antifungal component used to treat fungal infections and scaly, red scalp.
  • Glycolic Acid: This helps clear the buildup of dead cells, sebum, bacteria, and fungus.

Please note that these are chemical ingredients, and using the wrong component may irritate your scalp further. After properly evaluating the symptoms and breakouts, it is recommended that you seek a doctor’s opinion.

Home Remedies

Several ingredients found readily at home have therapeutic and medical properties. Some of these can address mild to moderate cases of scalp breakouts.

The following sections discuss some remedies for pimples on the scalp.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an antiseptic agent frequently employed for treating acne caused by bacterial and fungal infections. The best ways to use it to treat scalp acne include:

  • Add 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil to a quarter-sized shampoo while washing the hair. Add tea tree oil to coconut or jojoba oil in a ratio of 1:12 and massage it on the scalp.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a known antibacterial and antifungal agent. It helps clear the sebum and dirt buildup on the scalp and improves inflammation. The best way to use this ingredient for scalp breakout treatment includes:

  • Add vinegar to water in a ratio of 2:1 and apply it to the scalp.
  • Mix it with grapefruit oil and massage it on the scalp.


Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties that help clear scalp infections and inflammation. To use it, crush 3 to 4 cloves of garlic and boil them in 300 ml water. Once the water has cooled, gently massage it onto a clean scalp.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help clear the scalp. It is best used as a scalp pimple treatment by massaging the juice onto a clean scalp for 5 minutes and then rinsing it off with water after 15 to 20 minutes.

Preventing Scalp Acne: Tips for Healthy Scalp Care

With proper hygiene, diet, and lifestyle habits, scalp acne can be prevented. The following sections discuss some preventive measures to avoid scalp breakouts in the future.

Proper Hair and Scalp Hygiene

Create a haircare routine based on your hair and scalp type and follow it religiously. Wash your hair at least once to twice a week. Oil your hair regularly and massage the scalp for 5 to 10 minutes. Cover your hair with a hat or scarf when going out in the sun and dust.

Avoiding Irritants and Allergens

Opt for oil-free shampoos and other hair care products if you have an oily scalp. Choose products that are non-comedogenic, meaning they do not clog the pores, and anti-acnegenic. Notice if any hair product causes irritation or allergic reactions and avoid it in the future. Commodities with high amounts of fragrance and chemicals often irritate the scalp.

Dietary Adjustments for Scalp Health

Your diet dramatically impacts your hair health. Include sources of antioxidants like citrus fruits and nuts in your diet. Protein and omega-3 fatty acids are also necessary for healthy hair. Iron, dietary fibres, and vitamins B-complex, A, E, D, and K are crucial to maintaining healthy hair and scalp.

Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fish, eggs, lentils, berries, and other ingredients into your diet.

Dealing with Scalp Acne Breakouts: Lifestyle Adjustments

Minor changes to your lifestyle can offer lasting benefits in terms of hair and health, along with healthy skin and body. Try to incorporate the following tips in your daily life to eliminate your hair and scalp issues.

Stress Management Techniques

Take some alone time and engage in relaxing activities or things you like to do. Stress has become an eminent part of the lifestyle, which has a negative impact on health. Practice deep and controlled breathing, meditate, or read a book for a fixed duration daily. Adopt small habits that help you let go of the stress throughout the day. Sleeping properly and spending time in nature are the simplest ways to manage stress.

Scalp-friendly Hair Care Practices

Regularly wash your pillowcases, bedsheets, headbands, hats, scarves, and other headgear. Debris from these surfaces can transfer to your scalp and irritate. Also, avoid prolonged direct exposure to the sun and pollution.

Exercise and Hydration for Skin Health

Stay hydrated throughout the day and exercise regularly to maintain hair health. Physical activity improves blood circulation, which enables proper metabolism and cellular growth throughout the body, including the scalp. Yoga poses like balasana (child’s pose), bhujangasana (cobra pose), adho mukha savasana (downward-facing dog pose), and kapalbhati pranayam promote hair and scalp health.

Get Healthy Hair and Scalp at Dr Batra's®

Dr Batra's® Clinic offers Homoeopathic remedies for hair, scalp, and skin issues. Our scalp and hair specialists closely assess your concerns and symptoms to form a proper diagnosis before deciding on personalised ways to treat bumps on the scalp. Along with the necessary medication, we also prescribe dietary and lifestyle changes that would aid in the speedy recovery of your scalp.

For supportive, reliable, and economical treatment for scalp pimples, book an appointment at Dr Batra's® Clinic today!


How to Treat Pimples on the Scalp?

Pimples on the scalp can be treated with medical and natural agents. The treatment mainly depends on the severity and nature of the breakouts. For mild to moderate breakouts, some home remedies, lifestyle adjustments, and certain medications after a doctor’s consultation can resolve the issue. Moderate to severe breakouts must be addressed by a medical professional.

How Long Does It Take for Scalp Acne to Heal?

The recovery period for your scalp depends on the severity and type of breakouts. Severe acne, especially cysts, usually takes longer to resolve. On average, it may take 4 to 8 weeks for your scalp to heal from acne completely.

How to Prevent Scalp Breakouts?

Proper hair and scalp hygiene, including oiling and washing the hair regularly and using clean pillowcases, bedsheets, scarves, and headgear, can help prevent scalp breakouts. A balanced diet, healthy lifestyle, and regular exercise also help maintain hair health.

What Are Some Effective Home Remedies for Scalp Acne?

Ingredients like tea tree oil, lemon juice, garlic, ginger, eggs, baking soda, and aloe vera are effective home remedies for treating scalp acne. Add 1 to 3 drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo or regular hair oil or apply lemon juice for 15 minutes to a clean scalp and rinse your hair to clear the scalp.

Are There Any Dietary Changes That Can Help Prevent Scalp Acne?

A healthy and balanced diet can improve hair and scalp health and prevent breakouts. A diet rich in proteins, dietary fibres, vitamins C, A, B-complex, D, E, and K, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and small amounts of essential elements like zinc, iron, and selenium is good for hair. The best food sources include eggs, lentils, fatty fish, nuts, fresh fruits, citrus fruits, and leafy green vegetables.
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