Scalp psoriasis in children

Scalp psoriasis in children

Child Health
June 8, 2021 , Last updated: May 10, 2024

Having a visible skin disease can be very stressful. Psoriasis on the scalp can be trouble for a child or teenager, especially if the scratching leads to hair loss. It can be a life-altering disease and potentially impact their physical, emotional functioning and overall quality of life. To avoid its impact, scalp psoriasis, therefore, needs to be managed effectively.

What is scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakes the skin cells as a pathogen (an organism that causes disease) and sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. These skin cells pile up in red patches, usually with silvery scales. It can appear as a single patch or several, or it can even affect the entire scalp.

Kids and teens are more susceptible to scalp psoriasis than adults because their immune systems haven't built up defenses against different organisms and viruses.

Scalp psoriasis in children


What may trigger scalp psoriasis?

The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) notes that several factors may trigger a flare-up of symptoms in children who are prone to scalp psoriasis. These include:

  • Family history:

    Having one parent with scalp psoriasis greatly increases a child's risk of having the condition. The risk of developing the condition increases if both the parents have it.


  • Obesity:

    Children who are overweight seem to develop scalp psoriasis more commonly. Obesity leads to having more skin creases where psoriasis rashes tend to form.


  • Stress:

    High-stress levels affect the immune system, this can cause scalp psoriasis to flare up and make the condition more severe.


  • Viral and bacterial infections:

    Those with recurring infections and compromised immune systems, especially young children and those with HIV (human immunodeficiency viruses), have an increased risk of psoriasis.

They may notice that their symptoms are worsened or triggered by several factors. These commonly include:

  • lack of vitamin D
  • infections, including strep throat or skin infections
  • skin injuries
  • some medications, including beta-blockers, lithium, iodides and antimalarial drugs
  • stressful childhood

Seek professional help to identify the trigger of your child’s condition. A suitable treatment suggested by a child-care specialist or dermatologist can minimize the risk of further complications, such as hair loss or cracked and bleeding skin on the scalp.

Also read:

Homeopathy treatment for scalp psoriasis

Homeopathy provides safe and mild remedies that treat scalp psoriasis gently and naturally. Homeopathy scalp psoriasis treatment moderates the immune system of the child; this leads to the prevention of quick multiplication of the skin cells and stimulates the body's healing ability. Homeopathy also brings the recurrence of scalp psoriasis under control.

The standard form of treatment for scalp psoriasis is the use of medicated shampoos, gels, creams, soaps, oils, lotions, foams, and ointments which primarily contain steroid and retinoid. It is important to note that these medications can have side effects on your children if used long-term. Homeopathy brings hope for psoriasis. Its medication treats the disorder right from the root with zero side effects.

A report by British Medical Journal suggested that homeopathy yields an 87% success rate in treating scalp psoriasis. The results are encouraging and despite the severity of the pathology, it can be used as an effective therapy for the management of chronic scalp psoriasis. Emotional and general improvement is also observed.

At Dr Batra’s®, we have treated 1.41 lakh skin conditions including scalp psoriasis with a 94.3% positive treatment outcome (authenticated by American Quality Assessors) for over 35 years. Our homeopaths determine the root cause of scalp psoriasis and then provide suitable medication.Book an appointmentwith us and get rid of your child’s scalp psoriasis without any side-effects.

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