Scared of piles surgery? Worry not, homeopathy is here!

Scared of piles surgery? Worry not, homeopathy is here!

March 31, 2020 , Last updated: September 3, 2024

Piles is one of those medical conditions that does not get the attention it deserves, even though it is a common disorder. People do not seek treatment for this condition because they do not want to talk about it in the first place and it is totally relatable. Who wouldn't feel embarrassed talking about their rectal woes?? Even to a doctor. This hesitation is what causes the condition to aggravate and become severe. Today, we will discuss the piles disease.

So what are we looking at?

Sitting at the toilet for long periods of time, chronic constipation and straining during bowel movements can all put pressure on the veins in your anus and lower rectum. This pressure can hold back the flow of blood so that the veins bulge or swell, resulting in the condition known as haemorrhoids. Some haemorrhoids are internal, lying inside the rectum. You cannot see or feel them. Since the area lacks pain receptors, usually it is not a cause of discomfort. So, if the patient were to have a bulge, at the level of the internal haemorrhoids, he/she might have a feeling that the rectum is not completely emptied after a bowel movement.

The other type of haemorrhoids called the external haemorrhoids, develops under the skin, around the anus and forms a lump or clot. Sometimes, straining also pushes internal haemorrhoid through the anal opening. Piles symptoms in external haemorrhoids often include itching and bleeding, sometimes with severe pain.

Diagnosis is done based on questions on certain topics like frequency and quality of bleeding, cleanliness, bulging, itching, and associated incontinence, among others. It is then followed by an endoscopic exam to look at the haemorrhoids on the inside of the anus to further confirm it. Read more

Now, let us dive into the various treatment options for piles.

Conventional treatment

Depending on the duration of the symptoms and whether the symptoms are improving or not, a doctor might advise to go ahead and excise the haemorrhoid. The most common treatment approach for internal haemorrhoids is haemorrhoid banding. This is an office procedure where the doctor will place a tiny little rubber band, right over the haemorrhoid, causing the haemorrhoid to be cut off. In five or six days, the haemorrhoid peels off with the bowel movement and the patient might be completely oblivious during this process. Side-effects in this procedure are pretty rare but it can be presented. These include anal infection, urinary retention and sometimes bleeding from the anus. Also, this technique does not work on external haemorrhoids as it may cause severe pain if you band it with a haemorrhoid rubber band.

The other alternative is operative rectal surgery. The haemorrhoidectomy is one of the most painful procedures in the world. Doctors do not recommend this unless it is absolutely necessary but some haemorrhoid disease is only repairable via surgery. Avoiding surgery is a no-brainer and you might want to look for a method that is safe and without any pain. Switch to homeopathy.

Piles treatment in homeopathy

Piles is a sensitive condition and have to be dealt with utmost care. Piles treatment in homeopathy goes for a salubrious approach by targeting the root cause and providing the patient with a long-lasting solution. Homeopaths monitor every aspect of the patient's health and family history. Observations are recorded and personalized medications are then provided to the individual at Dr Batra's®. Book an appointment now.

Start with the treatment process as soon as possible. Do not wait for it to get worse. If you opt for homeopathic treatment for piles, it will be treated with ease.

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