Signs of baldness in women

Signs of baldness in women

Female Pattern Baldness
May 20, 2021 , Last updated: September 5, 2024

If you observe that you are gradually losing your hair in a fixed pattern, for example in a Christmas tree like pattern, it is possible that you may be suffering from androgenetic alopecia. It is thought to be caused by the genes that are passed down in families which makes you more or less likely to go bald. It is the most common cause of balding in women. This baldness can start at almost any age or as you enter adulthood. It varies from person to person but the consensus around balding is that the older you get, the more likely it is to notice the signs of balding. Let us check out the most important signs of baldness in women, which will help us to suspect and then consult the doctor for any further treatment.

Signs of baldness in women

It is very important to look out for the signs as early as possible so that you can go to the doctor and get consulted for the same.

  • Thinning on the top of the head: You might notice that there is thinning on the top of the head and not the sides.
  • Widening part: Widening of the part on the top of the head is one of the common signs of balding in women.
  • Thinning across the whole head: This is one of the most common signs of balding in women that is opposite to the receding M-shaped hairline in men.

When to see a doctor?

Consult a doctor if you have uncomfortable or painful symptoms, including –

  • Excessive itching or scaling around the bald areas
  • Sudden hair loss on other body parts
  • Swelling around the areas of baldness
  • Excessive hair growth on other body parts
  • Sudden changes in weight
  • Having high fever

Having complications from recent surgery

Signs of baldness in women


Why homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a safe treatment option to choose for patients who are suffering from baldness as it is free from any toxic side effects and also provides long-term relief. Homeopathic remedies treat the patient physically, emotionally, and mentally as well.

Why Dr Batra’s®?

At Dr Batra’s®, our ultimate goal is to give the best homeopathy treatment for baldness to every patient so that they overcome the baldness issue with ease and convenience. Our team of homeopathic doctors prescribes customized treatment after considering the health history, nature, and temperament of the patient among other relevant factors.

Book an appointment online to get the homeopathy treatment for baldness or just visit our nearby clinic to get more information on the same.

Ravi Kant Kaushik
Authored By

Dr. Ravi Kant Kaushik


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