Simple Hair Care Solutions

Simple Hair Care Solutions

Hair Loss
May 12, 2017 , Last updated: May 3, 2024

‘Hair appeal’ is part of our lives. It holds a remarkable charm. There can be no narrative of beauty, without a reference to hair. Hence, those of us that possess a full head of thick, lustrous, healthy hair feel certainly blessed.

Many of us go through excess hair loss, dryness, and hair damage... It may not always be easy to manage hair and make them look beautiful.

Here’s what you should keep in mind and do — to take care of your hair.

Hair loss

A number of factors cause short-term and excess hair loss. For example, an illness, or surgery, can lead to sudden loss of hair. Hair loss may also be related to stress.

Hormonal problems are another cause. Hair loss can occur if your hormones, known as androgens and oestrogens, are out of balance. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall.

Many women are subject to hair loss following pregnancy. Some conventional medicines too can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss too. What’s more, hair loss can occur as a part of an underlying disease, like diabetes and heart disease. It is, therefore, important to find out the cause, so it can be treated.

Dry hair

There are several reasons for excessively dry hair. Environmental pollution, frequent styling, blow drying, or use of chemical shampoo and colours can deprive your hair of its softness and gloss and make it dry. Certain diseases can also cause dry hair. If your hair suddenly becomes extremely dry, consult a homeopathic doctor without delay,

Damaged hair

Excessive brushing or combing, when your hair is wet, can seriously damage your hair. So, brush with natural fibre. Don’t use rubber bands to tie the hair back. Instead, use a fabric scrunchie, or loose fitting comb, or clip with rubber padding. Too much heat is another factor for hair damage; or, being out in the sun for too long. Chlorine, salt water, over-perming, over-washing, aside from cold weather, may also contribute to hair damage. So, take care.

Anaemia & hair loss

Iron-deficiency anaemia and lack of quality proteins are the commonest causes of hair loss. They are also the leading cause of hair loss in 75-80 per cent of women across the world. It is also a fact that 60 per cent of Indian women suffer from hair loss due to low iron levels. No need to worry, if you follow a balanced, nutritious diet regimen and your doctor’s specialist advice.

Homeopathy & hair care

Homeopathy treats not just hair problems, hair loss, scalp affections, or infections, but the individual with the problem — safely and effectively. In simple terms, it treats the person as a whole. Every individual who has a hair problem ought to have certain physical and emotional symptoms. They also have a certain type of personality, feelings, likes and dislikes. The right homeopathic remedy is chosen, based on such findings. For homeopathic medicines  for hair loss to work, they have to suitably match the individual’s symptom-picture.


  • For individuals who want to avoid a flat, damp or frizzy look, conditioning and neatly tying a pony tail is a favourable solution, because hair tangles easily when it is wet
  • It’s a good idea to use a scarf to protect your hair from wind, dust and adverse weather conditions
  • Oiling and washing your hair at least thrice a week with lukewarm water is advisable. Use only a mild shampoo to suit your hair type, rather than lathering shampoo as the latter tends to dry and roughen your hair
  • Dry your hair with a towel; allow your hair to dry naturally. If you must use a hair dryer, hold it 6-8 inches away from the scalp
  • Humidity can cause damage hair and lead to hair loss; so, avoid getting wet when there’s high humidity.
  • If you get wet in the rain, wash your hair immediately with a mild shampoo and follow it up with a conditioner to keep the scalp free of germs
  • When you have dandruff and fungal infection, use a good anti-dandruff shampoo

Follow-up with your homeopathic doctor, on a regular basis.

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