Smoking? Here’s why you should quit it if you have diabetes

Smoking? Here’s why you should quit it if you have diabetes

June 24, 2019 , Last updated: August 6, 2024

You might be already aware of the health risks of smoking. Did you know that smoking is even more harmful to diabetic patients? Smoking adds to the stress on your body. Young adult smokers with diabetes are much more likely to be sick than non-smokers with diabetes. If you don’t smoke, you will manage your diabetes better. Quitting smoking may not be easy, but it could be one of the best things you can do to prevent or reduce the complications of diabetes. Also, you can stay healthier for longer.

Risks of smoking with diabetes

Lifestyle choices are a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and its complications. Smoking may be one of these choices. Smoking can make it harder to manage diabetes for those who already have it. The risks of smoking include:

  • Sustaining damage to cells and tissues, increasing the risk of inflammation
  • Introducing free radicals, leading to oxidative stress and cell damage
  • Experiencing immune system problems
  • Experiencing changes in lipid profiles
  • Having a higher risk of respiratory and other infections
  • Having a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke

All of these risks can worsen the symptoms of diabetes. Diabetic patients are more vulnerable to infections and can quickly become serious. Furthermore, both smoking and diabetes can lead to poor circulation. They also increase the risk of foot ulceration, oral health problems, respiratory infections and other infections that can have severe and possibly life-threatening consequences. Diabetes and smoking damage the cells and organs of the body. Smoking worsens many of the health effects of diabetes. For instance, both smoking and diabetes can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Diabetic patients who are smokers are more likely to:

  • Need a larger dose of insulin than non-smokers to control their glucose levels
  • Experience kidney and heart disease
  • Have poor circulation leading to infections, ulcers, blood clots or amputations
  • Develop eye diseases such as retinopathy that can lead to vision loss
  • Experience nerve damage that leads to pain, tingling and mobility impairments
  • Less control over their blood glucose level
  • Momentaryrise of heart rate and blood pressure

Many of the combined health effects of smoking and diabetes make it more difficult to make healthy lifestyle choices. For instance, cardiovascular issues, nerve damage and reduced lung capacity can make it harder to exercise. This, in turn, may lead to an inactive lifestyle. These setbacks can make symptoms of diabetes even worse.

Symptoms of diabetes

Listed below are the warning signs and symptoms of diabetes:

  • Excessive thirst and hunger
  • Frequent urination
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Nausea
  • Skin infections
  • Breath odour that is fruity, sweet or an acetone odour
  • Numbness in the hands or feet

Diabetes diagnosis

Certified diabetes specialists on Dr Batra’s® panel work closely with homeopathic doctors to monitor diabetes patients efficiently. For diabetes diagnosis, blood sugar, both fasting and post-lunch and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) levels are regularly examined. Patients are closely tracked for any diabetes complications that may be setting in. Homeopathic medicines can help maintain insulin levels and theircounterpart conventional medicine, bringing about better and long-lasting treatment outcomes.


Smoking can damage a person’s health and well-being in many ways and it can increase the risk of complications with diabetes. When quitting smoking, many people will experience cravings and withdrawal, but these will become more manageable with time and eventually disappear altogether. Quitting smoking increaseslife expectancy. Almost all nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes will be out of your bloodstream. Your heart and muscles can take up oxygen more easily. Your immune system improves and your body is better at fighting off infection.

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