Stocking up the pantry for flu season

Stocking up the pantry for flu season

Homeopathy Treatment
December 23, 2020 , Last updated: July 20, 2024

Just like you have an emergency fund in case of recession, it is wise to have some basic food items stored separately for the flu season.

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is officially a pandemic. With this in mind, let’s talk about some basic pantry staples you should stock up on.

It's vital to understand the difference between panic shopping and being prepared. You should have enough food and supplies including medications to last two weeks in case of quarantine. Prepare for possible coronavirus quarantine by stocking your pantry smartly. This keeps everyone at home fed and well if you need to spend a few weeks inside your home.

Focus on a basic amount of nutritional value in your choices. A healthier you mean a healthier immune system. Have plenty of canned and frozen fruit and veggies to get your vitamin C. Also, canned beans and fish for protein and zinc. Cereal, popcorn, and other whole grains are significant as well. Be prepared, not panicked.

Best options to stock up your pantry

Let’s see the best options so you can feed your family well.

  • Rice and grains

    Rice and whole grains like quinoa, barley, or wheatberries can be cooked in bulk and used throughout the week in salads and soups. These can be stored in airtight containers in a cool, dry pantry for about 6 months. Whole grains that are ground will deteriorate immediately. These can be stored for 1-3 months in a cool pantry.


  • Garlic and onions

    Ensure to buy some aromatics like onions, garlic, ginger, and chili peppers to help amp up the flavor. Onions and garlic can be stored in a cool, dry, dark spot with decent ventilation. Don’t store them in plastic bags as the moisture will cause them to rot.


  • Root and hardy vegetables

    Certain root and hardy vegetables can last a long time and will give you much needed fiber. Good choices include potatoes of all varieties, whole carrots, whole heads of cabbage, whole heads of celery, and Brussels sprouts.


  • Canned or jarred fish

    Since you may not have access to fresh meat and chicken, look for other sources of proteins, like canned fish. It is also a great source of zinc. It is known to boost your immunity and can be a good addition to a heart-healthy diet.


  • Pasta

    Dried pasta is one of the best things to maintain a varied and healthy diet. Once cooked, it can be served hot or cold. It can be an ingredient in a bigger dish or as the star of the show. It is a chameleon that holds up all sorts of flavors.


  • Coffee/tea

    If you drink c

    If you drink coffee or tea regularly, make sure you have supplies at home for your daily dose.

    Let’s see the foods to stock up on in case of illness:

    • Chicken broth and noodles to make soup
    • Rice
    • Lemons
    • Honey
    • Herbal and green teas

Stocking up the pantry for flu season


Homeopathy: Your savior in flu season

Homeopathy doesn’t suppress a cold. It enhances your immunity and immune response to common cold viruses, infections and bacteria. Homeopathy works as a useful preventative medicine, especially in frequent cold infections. It keeps them at bay and reduces their intensity. A few doses of a suitable homeopathic medicine may be all you need for your cold.

Read More: Homeopathic Remedies for Winter Illnesses

Expert homeopathic doctors at Dr Batra's® are available for a consultation in case you’re not feeling well. He/she will evaluate your case history in detail and provide a customized treatment plan. You can make an online appointment clicking

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