Suffering from allergies? Homeopathy can help

Suffering from allergies? Homeopathy can help

December 28, 2020 , Last updated: July 20, 2024

Do you sneeze a lot or constantly have itching in your eyes? If yes, you probably may be suffering from an allergy. An allergic reaction is your body's response to an allergen. They may include dust mites, pollens, animal dander, and certain foods.

Now, allergic reactions can be seasonal or can have symptoms shown throughout the year. Here are some common allergies that are seen in people:

  • Drug allergy:

    medicines like Penicillin, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen Sodium can cause allergic reactions in the body.


  • Insect allergy:

    Bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, and fire ants can sting and cause an allergic reaction. Some insects like cockroaches and dust mites can also cause an allergic reaction in people.


  • Latex allergy:

    Natural rubber products like gloves and balloons contain latex that can cause serious health issues.


  • Mold allergy:

    Mold is a fungus found in and outdoors. It can cause an allergic reaction in the body.


  • Pet allergy:

    Animal fur and saliva can lead to allergies.


  • Pollen allergy:

    Pollen allergy is a common trigger for seasonal allergies.


  • Food allergy:

    IgE-mediated food allergens such as milk, egg, peanuts, wheat, and fish.

Symptoms of allergies

An allergen is any agent that triggers an abnormal reaction of the immune system. The common symptoms of allergies include:

  • Sneezing and an itchy, runny, or blocked nose (allergic rhinitis)
  • Itchy, red and watering eyes
  • Wheezing, chest tightness,shortness of breath and cough, raised, itchy and red rashes
  • Swollen lips, tongue, eyes,or face
  • Tummy pain, feeling sick, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Dry, red, and cracked skin

Also Read: Demystifying the myths of allergieses can help reduce the symptoms of an allergy. The remedies include:

  • Bromelain:

    Bromelain is found in papaya and pineapple that acts as a natural healer in treating allergies.


  • Butterbur:

    Butterbur can help reduce itching in the eyes caused by an allergy.


  • Air filters:

    High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters help protect you from airborne allergens like pollen, dust, and pet dander.


  • Saline nasal wash:

    It is a combination of salt and water that can help reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in adults and children.


  • Honey:

    Consuming locally produced honey can reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis


  • Probiotics:

    Food rich in probiotics such as yogurt, fermented cabbage, and kimchi can help reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.


  • Air conditioners and dehumidifiers:

    Air conditioners and dehumidifiers can help keep the temperature below 50%. It can help reduce the growth of mildew and molds in the house.


  • Vitamin C:

    Consuming foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, and spinach, can help reduce allergy symptoms.


  • Essential oils


    • Eucalyptus: This is a natural ingredient, having antimicrobial properties that can help reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies.
    • Peppermint: Peppermint contains anti-inflammatory benefits that can help reduce the effects of an allergy.
    • Frankincense: This helps reduce the effects of perennial allergic rhinitis. You can dilute with a carrier oil and apply it behind the ears or inhale it using a diffuser.


Suffering from allergies? Homeopathy can help


Homeopathy for allergies

Homeopathic allergy remedies provide relief in acute attacks of an allergy. They treat the allergy by addressing the underlying root cause. It is because homeopathic medicines use natural substances and have no toxins. Homeopathic remedies that are best suited are chosen based on the symptoms and characteristics of each patient.

147 patients were treated with tailored homeopathic medication for ear, nose, and throat allergies, according to a study published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information. They had an overall success rate of 87.6%.

Natrum Mur is a natural homeopathic medicine that is beneficial for the treatment of nasal and skin allergiesKali Bichromicum is of great help when the post-nasal drip is the main symptom, along with sneezing.

Gelsemium is given to a patient with a runny nose and sneezing accompanied by a headache and a feverish feeling.

Ipecac is the perfect homeopathic remedy for a violent cough with wheezing sounds because of mucus accumulation in the chest. Bryonia Alba is of great help when you have a dry cough accompanied by chest pain and difficulty in breathing.

Carbo Veg and Nux Vomica are homeopathic medicines prescribed for egg allergy where gastric symptoms dominate. If you also notice symptoms like itching and burning, Sulphur may be prescribed.

Lycopersicum is the best homeopathic remedy when breathing in the slightest dust leads to a runny nose and sneezing.

Bromium is prescribed to reduce the nasal discharge and the chest complaints caused due to dust inhalation. These medicines help to treat the allergy from the root.

Why Dr Batra’s®?

We at Dr Batra’s® have a patient satisfaction rate of around 94% for treating allergies, as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors. Dr Batra’s® homeopathic medicines are made with natural ingredients that help to reduce allergy symptoms. Our expert homeopathic doctors devise a treatment plan that is best suited to you.

Dr Batra’s® Allergone brings you, first-of-its-kind, scientifically proven, and non-steroidal homeopathic nebulizer. It is a safe and painless way for people with respiratory allergies to consume homeopathic medicine. As authenticated by the American Quality Assessors, Dr Batra’s® respiratory treatments have seen a 96.3% positive-treatment outcome.

Dr Batra’s® Allergone also offers you a scientifically proven food allergy test that is backed by Cambridge nutritional sciences. It helps you identify 45 food-related allergies with a single prick test. It is side-effect-free and offers results within 35 minutes of the test. As authenticated by the American Quality Assessors, Dr Batra’s® Gastroenterological treatments have seen a 97.2% positive-treatment outcome.

Book an online appointment with our homeopathic doctors now to find long-term relief from your allergy woes.

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