The age old tradition of champi - is it really needed?

The age old tradition of champi - is it really needed?

Hair Fall
September 17, 2019 , Last updated: July 20, 2024

After a long tiring day, a good champi with warm oil would help you relax and also is good for your hair. Isn’t it?

Believe it or not, a good hair massage soothes the nerves and cools the brain. It is basically just the massage that helps you relax and not the oil.

Have you always been under the impression that you need to oil your hair daily to avoid hair loss?

Well, let’s bust all the myths about hair oiling:

  1. Oil nourishes hair and makes it grow thicker.

Oil is applied on the outer layers of your scalp, which means that the nutrients do not enter and nourish the hair as it simply is lifeless beyond your scalp.

  1. Hair oil adds shine and luster.

The fact is that hair oil only adds grease to your scalp and the shine is just the outer surface of the hair because of the oil. Hair oil is a mere conditioner to your hair that makes it softer and manageable.

  1. Applying oil will help in hair fall control.

The truth is that hair oil neither helps in hair fall control nor helps in re-growth. Oil attracts dust and dirt and makes your hair a breeding ground for infections.

Also Read: Rinse It Right: 7 Tips for The Perfect Hair Wash

  1. Dandruff signifies dry scalp.

We usually associate dandruff with dryness. It would be surprising to know that dandruff is linked with oily scalp. The oilier your scalp is the more prone you are to dandruff.

  1. Shampooing is the best way to wash-out the dandruff and oil base of the scalp.

Excessive shampooing can result in diminished levels of natural oils on your scalp leading to dry scalp and eventually hair loss.

  1. Oil is good for all hair types.

People with oily hair should avoid hair oil as it results in excessive accumulation and blockage of hair follicles leading to hair loss.

Also Read: 7 Tips to Effectively Care for Oily Hair

It is important to remember that losing a few strands of hair a day, around 50-100, is completely normal and is part of your normal hair growth cycle. If you lose more than that, it is a cause for concern that needs to be addressed by a doctor.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair grows from the follicle, or root, underneath the skin. Each hair passes through four stages: anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen. Every hair can be at a different stage of growth at any given time.-

  • Anagen (Growing Phase)

The growing phase lasts 2-7 years and it determines the length of your hair.

  • Catagen (Transition Phase)

This stage lasts for about 10 days. The hair follicle shrinks and detaches.

  • Telogen (Resting Phase)

This is the resting phase which lasts around 3 months. Around 10-15 percent of hair is in this phase. Set of new hair begins the growth.

  • Exogen (New Hair Phase)

This stage, the old hair sheds and a new hair continues to grow. Approximately 50 to 150 hairs could fall out daily, which is considered to be normal.

Hair may become weaker and thinner after each cycle which is why it’s important to ensure that your diet is rich in nutrients to maintain healthy hair growth.

For tips on hair fall control for men and women, watch:

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