Hair Loss Journey

The Connection Between Stress, Anxiety, and Shedding in Hair Loss Journey

Hair Loss

Stress has become a significant part of today’s busy lifestyle. Its effect is apparent in the various aspects of life. So, if you wonder if stress is behind your recent hair loss issues, you could be right.

Extensive research has deduced stress among the top causes of hair loss. Directly or indirectly, it acts as a reason for hair fall, making your hair brittle, nutrition-deficient, and prone to falling.

This blog discusses the connection between stress and hair loss. You will also dive deep into how stress can cause hair loss and tips on how to stop hair fall.

Exploring the Causes of Hair Loss

Like many other major and minor health concerns, there could be multiple causes of hair loss. Several causative factors can lead to noticeable and significant hair loss. Knowing the potential reasons could help eliminate them and restore your hair's health.

Common Hair Fall Reason

While stress is a significant factor, you could have other reasons for your hair falling out. Explore the list below to determine if any other factors contribute to your deteriorating hair health.

  1. Androgenetic Alopecia


    This condition refers to an individual’s genetic predisposition to hair loss and is passed from generation to generation. While men are more prone to this hair fall reason, it also affects women, albeit differently. It manifests as bald patches on the crown of the head in men, while women experience a widening hair part and diffused hair loss. If a close blood relative has genetic hair loss, you are likely to inherit it.

  2. Hormonal Factors


    Fluctuations in hormonal levels or high levels of certain hormones in the body are among the major causes of hair loss. This cause is more common in women during pregnancy and menopause. Thyroid disorders and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) also make you more prone to hair loss. Another hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is also a known trigger.

  3. Nutritional Deficiencies


    Proper nutrition also favours hair health, and the lack thereof can be among the top reasons for hair loss. Nutrients, including iron, vitamin D, zinc, biotin, and others, are essential to strengthen the hair strands and prevent shedding. The lack of these vital nutrients can trigger a stress response in your body wherein your hair does not receive these nutrients.

  4. Health Conditions


    Health conditions like scalp infections, autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata, and other illnesses can affect hair health.

  5. Medications and Treatment


    Medications used to treat illnesses including cancer, high blood pressure, heart conditions, and depression often cause hair fall as a side effect. Chemotherapy is especially known to lead to hair loss.

  6. Physical and Emotional Stress


    Stress can cause hair loss, be it acute or chronic. Physical stressors, such as surgery, illness, or significant weight loss, can shock the hair cycle, pushing hair into a premature shedding phase. Similarly, anxiety or depression can also impact hair health, triggering hair loss due to stress.

  7. Lifestyle Factors


    Lifestyle factors like diet, physical activity, and sleep patterns affect hair health. Hair care practices like overstyling, frequent heating tools, wearing tight hairstyles, and chemical treatments can ruin hair follicles and lead to breakage and hair loss.

  8. Environmental Factors


    Environmental factors, including pollutants, UV radiation, and exposure to harsh weather conditions, can weaken hair and scalp health, contributing to hair fall.

  9. Aging


    Sometimes, hair loss is natural. This is often observed as you age. Hair shedding is a key aspect of a healthy hair cycle and is normal within certain limits. This limit usually increases as you age due to several ageing factors. While you can control and slow it down, you cannot reverse it.

Even with knowing the reasons for hair loss, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which factor is triggering it in your case. Consulting with an expert in such situations can help you determine and address your hair fall triggers effectively. So, book a consultation call now to resolve your hair loss issues.

The Impact of Stress on Hair Health

Stress and hair loss are interconnected. Whether acute or chronic, emotional or physical, stress has a noticeable effect on hair health. This section discusses the various aspects of hair loss due to stress.

How Stress Can Cause Hair Loss

Stress can trigger specific mechanisms and/or block some essential processes in the body that directly or indirectly lead to hair loss. Three main forms of hair loss have been established to be associated with stress.

  1. Telogen Effluvium


    This is a natural stress response wherein your body enters the survival mode. Triggered by several factors, this condition causes your body to focus solely on the bodily functions vital for survival. Due to this, the hair follicles do not receive enough nutrition and oxygen and move into a premature resting phase. This causes them to fall off early on in their life cycle.

  2. Alopecia Areata


    It is a condition causing hair loss on the entire body. Severe stress is among the main known factors triggering this condition.

  3. Trichotillomania


    It is a condition characterised by a strong urge to pull out your hair. This can be a negative response to stress and the body’s way of dealing with unwelcome emotions and situations.

Anxiety and Hair Shedding

Anxiety often triggers the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, which disrupt the hair growth cycle and push hair follicles into the resting phase prematurely, causing increased shedding. It can also lead to poor diet, lack of sleep, hair-pulling, and worsening hair loss. This often leads to a continuous cycle where worry about hair loss increases stress, perpetuating the problem.

Chronic Stress and Long-Term Hair Loss

Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels, disrupting the hair growth cycle and causing persistent shedding. It can also trigger genetic hair loss like androgenetic alopecia and lead to poor lifestyle habits, further impairing hair health.

How to Stop Hair Fall Due to Stress

Now that you know the causes of hair fall and the connection between stress and hair loss, you must wish to know the solution. This section discusses how to stop hair fall triggered by stress.

Effective Stress Management Techniques

Stress management is the most straightforward way to deal with stress-induced hair loss. This helps you end the vicious cycle of stress and hair loss and focus more on your hair health. Here are some effective stress management techniques:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation


    Meditation is among the best ways to calm your mind, address your emotions, and let go of the stress clogging your mind. Start with smaller time frames and the technique most comfortable to you. Practice meditation daily, even for only five minutes a day. Allow yourself to get into the habit, and then move forward based on what method, timing, and technique work best for you.

  2. Regular Exercise


    Exercising freshens not only your body but your mind too. While it seems like an exhaustive activity, exercising is proven to relieve stress. Adopt whichever form of exercise suits you best, including gym workouts, cycling, jogging, pilates, ]zumba, or others. Maintaining an active lifestyle is also crucial here.

  3. Healthy Sleep Patterns


    When you sleep, your body heals itself. Therefore, proper sleep is crucial for overall health. Decide on a sleep schedule of about 6 to 8 hours daily and follow through. Sleeping during the night is the best timing as it aligns with your body’s natural clock.

Nutritional Support for Stress-Related Hair Loss

Proper nutrition is crucial for combating hair loss due to stress. Essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, and E, iron, zinc, and biotin support healthy hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. Adopt a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains to help you replenish these nutrients. You can also opt for supplements under medical guidance. Ensure adequate hydration and reduce caffeine and sugar intake to support your hair health further. Incorporating these nutritional strategies is a vital part of regulating hair fall.

Professional Treatments and Therapies

Homeopathic treatments offer a natural approach to managing stress-related hair loss. Remedies like Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, and Phosphoric Acid commonly strengthen hair and promote growth. These treatments address the root cause of hair loss by balancing the body's constitution and reducing stress.

Homoeopathic treatments for hair loss have minimal side effects and take a broad approach. This includes personalised remedies and dietary recommendations tailored to individual needs. You can book a consultation call at Dr Batra's® Clinic for professional guidance and proven effective treatments to resolve your hair loss issues.

Coping with Hair Loss Anxiety

Coping with hair loss anxiety involves practical strategies and emotional support. By catering to the emotional and physical aspects, you can better manage anxiety and promote a positive outlook on hair health.

Psychological Support and Counseling

Psychological support and counselling can help you navigate your hair fall concerns more effectively. Therapists can help individuals develop coping strategies, such as cognitive-behavioural techniques, to manage stress and improve mental health.

Building a Support System

Surround yourself with understanding friends and family members. This provides emotional comfort and practical help. You can also join communities in person or online that offer shared experiences and advice from others facing similar challenges. A strong support system encourages resilience, reduces stress, and promotes a positive mindset, which can help you mitigate hair loss and improve your overall well-being.

Embracing Hair Changes

Your hair will naturally evolve, which is a normal part of life. You may observe changes in your hair's texture, thickness, and colour due to factors like ageing, health, and environmental influences. Accepting and loving these changes can reduce anxiety and boost your self-esteem. This also helps in regulating hair loss due to stress. By shifting your focus from what was to what is, you can appreciate the uniqueness of your evolving hair and maintain a positive self-image throughout your life's transitions.

Visit Dr Batra's® Clinic today to manage your hair loss and grow healthy hair!


Will hair loss from stress grow back?

Yes, hair loss caused by stress is often reversible once you manage the stress and the natural hair growth cycle is restored. It may take several months for your hair to start regrowing and up to a year to recover fully. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, a balanced diet, and professional support can help accelerate recovery and promote healthy hair growth. However, if hair loss persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider to rule out other underlying conditions.

How do I stop my hair from falling out due to stress?

Practice stress management through mindfulness, exercise, and deep breathing to stop hair loss due to stress. Maintain a healthy diet with key nutrients like iron and biotin, and adopt gentle hair care practices. Also, focus on a healthy lifestyle, such as getting adequate sleep and seeking professional help. You can also opt to take supplements under an expert’s guidance.

How do you know if hair loss is from stress?

To determine if your hair loss is caused by stress, consider if it started after a significant emotionally or physically stressful phase. Look for signs like increased shedding or thinning hair, especially if it's diffuse rather than in patches. Consult a healthcare provider to rule out other causes like nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or medical conditions. A professional can help diagnose if stress is the primary factor and suggest appropriate treatments.

Is my hair loss genetic or due to stress?

You can determine if your hair loss is genetic or due to stress by assessing a family history of hair loss, which may indicate a genetic cause. If the hair loss began after significant stress, it could be stress-related. A healthcare provider can help you distinguish between genetic factors and stress by evaluating your medical history, performing tests, and analysing the pattern and timing of hair loss.

Does overthinking cause hair loss?

Overthinking can contribute to hair loss by increasing stress levels, which disrupts the hair growth cycle and leads to shedding. Chronic stress from excessive worrying can trigger conditions like telogen effluvium, causing hair to fall out. However, overthinking alone cannot act as a major hair loss factor. You can practise stress management to help mitigate hair loss associated with overthinking.

How much hair can you lose from stress?

Stress can cause significant hair loss, with the amount varying depending on the individual and the severity of the stress. Typically, stress-related hair loss, such as telogen effluvium, can result in the shedding of up to 30-50% of hair in affected areas. This form of hair loss is often temporary, and hair growth generally resumes once the stress is managed.

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