Things that can aggravate your piles disease

Things that can aggravate your piles disease

April 25, 2020 , Last updated: September 3, 2024

The pain, tenderness, bleeding, and intense itching that come along with haemorrhoids are often enough to make you very irritated or angry. Also known as piles, these distended or swollen veins in the anus and lower parts of your rectum can clot or bulge. Keep reading to know the things that can aggravate your piles disease.

  • Leading sedentary lifestyle

If you have a desk job and spend most of your free time watching TV or surfing the Internet, it will only lead to chronic constipation and more straining on the toilet. You should avoid sitting at one place for too long. It’s good to make an effort to go for a walk more and take up cardio exercises for your own well-being as being overweight can worsen your piles disease.

  • Ignoring nature’s call

When your body is gesturing that you have to use the toilet, drop whatever it is that you are doing and empty your bowels. Controlling the urge to excrete will only put more pressure on the veins around your anal area. You should schedule your timings to go to the toilet according to your bowel movements and strictly stick to that routine.

  • Lifting very hefty things on a daily basis

If you have started working out in the gym, it is definitely a positive step. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t overdo it with weight lifting. Yes, you should completely avoid heavy weight lifting. Moderate exercising is the way to go until your symptoms of piles start to recede.

  • Ignoring symptoms of constipation or diarrhoea

It’s a known fact that suffering from constipation will result in the formation of more external haemorrhoids or what are more commonly called skin tags. The other extreme, which is diarrhoea, can also aggravate your piles disease and worsen the symptoms. You should evaluate your diet prudently and try to figure out what is causing constipation or diarrhoea and deliberately remove those food items from your diet. If the diarrhoea still persists, consult your homeopathic doctor.

  • Keeping poor hygiene

The heat and high humidity levels can be your despicable enemy when you have piles disease. If you don’t keep your anal area clean and dry, the irritation and itching will go from bad to worse. You should thoroughly wash your genital area with water and after that, gently pat the area dry. Do not rub toilet paper or any cloth against your anal area in order to avoid any burning sensation. During your menstrual cycle, switch to sanitary napkins explicitly made for sensitive skin in order to avoid any rashes.

  • Sitting on the toilet for more than required time

Always keep in mind not to spend more than 10-15 minutes maximum on the toilet. Straining on the pot can lead to more anal skin tags and bleeding. When you’re reading your morning newspaper or scrolling through various social media apps, you can lose track of time and end up putting a lot of pressure on the blood vessels. You should set a timer for 10 minutes on your phone and once that time is up, get off your commode!

  • Using your nails for scratching

Anal itching is a tenacious problem for those suffering from piles disease. As far as possible, avoid scratching your anal area because it will result in more pain. The last thing you would want is a burning sensation down there throughout the day.

Things that can aggravate your piles disease

Should you seek homeopathy treatment?

It’s highly recommended to visit your nearest homeopathy clinic as soon as you spot symptoms of piles. An expert homeopath evaluates your clinical history and takes a detailed physical examination and nutritional assessment to determine the stage of piles. These investigations help to confirm and rule out other diseases. Homeopathic treatment for piles comes with many advantages such as treats underlying factors, gives long-lasting relief, delays recurrence, and is non-invasive.

Also Read: Is piles a permanent condition or homeopathy can heal it?

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